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core llvm: handle change in syntax of load and getelembyptr in LLVM 3.7
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benl23x5 committed May 3, 2016
1 parent 8459c04 commit 16ed46c
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Showing 7 changed files with 203 additions and 100 deletions.
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions packages/ddc-build/DDC/Build/Pipeline/Llvm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,14 +49,12 @@ pipeLlvm !mm !pp
-> {-# SCC "PipeLlvmCompile" #-}
-- LLVM config.
let llConfig = Llvm.Config
{ Llvm.configLlvmVersion = Build.buildLlvmVersion builder }
let llConfig = Llvm.configOfVersion
$ Just $ Build.buildLlvmVersion builder

-- Pretty printer mode to use for the current LLVM version.
let llMode = Llvm.prettyModeModuleOfConfig llConfig

putStrLn $ Build.buildLlvmVersion builder

-- Write out the LLVM source file.
let llSrc = renderIndent $ pprModePrec llMode (0 :: Int) mm
writeFile llPath llSrc
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/ddc-core-llvm/DDC/Llvm/Pretty.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- | Pretty printer instances for the Llvm syntax.
module DDC.Llvm.Pretty
( Config(..)
, configDefault
, configOfVersion
, prettyModeModuleOfConfig)
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Base
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91 changes: 63 additions & 28 deletions packages/ddc-core-llvm/DDC/Llvm/Pretty/Base.hs
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@@ -1,48 +1,83 @@

module DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Base
( Config(..)
, configDefault
, Version
, versionWantsMetadataAsValue)
, defaultConfig
, configOfVersion
, versionWantsMetadataAsValue
, versionWantsLoadReturnTypes)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

-- | LLVM pretty printer configuration.
data Config
= Config
{ configLlvmVersion :: Version }

-- | Default config.
configDefault :: Config
= Config
{ -- | Assume LLVM 3.8 as the default version unless told otherwise.
-- This default should only be used during debugging,
-- when compiling real modules the version will be set explicitly
-- by the compilation driver.
-- LLVM version 3.8.0 was current as of March 2016.
configLlvmVersion = "LLVM version 3.8.0" }
{ configLlvmVersion :: Version
, configWantsMetadataAsValue :: Bool
, configWantsLoadReturnTypes :: Bool }
deriving Show

-- | LLVM version descriptor.
type Version
= String

-- | In LLVM versions before 3.6.1 encoded meta data as a value,
-- | Default config that can be used for debugging.
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = configOfVersion Nothing

-- | Produce a default pretty printer config for the given version.
-- Assume LLVM 3.8 as the default version unless told otherwise.
-- This default should only be used during debugging,
-- when compiling real modules the version will be set explicitly
-- by the compilation driver.
-- LLVM version 3.8.0 was current as of March 2016.
configOfVersion :: Maybe Version -> Config
configOfVersion mVersion
= let version = fromMaybe "3.8.0" mVersion
in Config
{ configLlvmVersion = version

, configWantsMetadataAsValue
= fromMaybe False $ versionWantsMetadataAsValue version

, configWantsLoadReturnTypes
= fromMaybe True $ versionWantsLoadReturnTypes version }

-- | LLVM versions before 3.6.1 encoded meta data as a value,
-- while after that it is typeless.
versionWantsMetadataAsValue :: Version -> Maybe Bool
versionWantsMetadataAsValue version
= case words version of
["LLVM", "version", num]
| isPrefixOf "3.1." num -> Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.2." num -> Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.3." num -> Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.4." num -> Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.5." num -> Just True
| isPrefixOf "3." num -> Just False

_ -> Nothing
versionWantsMetadataAsValue v
| isPrefixOf "3.1." v = Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.2." v = Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.3." v = Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.4." v = Just True
| isPrefixOf "3.5." v = Just True
| isPrefixOf "3." v = Just False
| otherwise = Nothing

-- | LLVM versions before 3.7.0 did not use a result type
-- on load and getelembyptr operations, while after they
-- did.
versionWantsLoadReturnTypes :: Version -> Maybe Bool
versionWantsLoadReturnTypes v
| isPrefixOf "3.1." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3.2." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3.3." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3.4." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3.5." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3.6." v = Just False
| isPrefixOf "3." v = Just True
| otherwise = Nothing

30 changes: 21 additions & 9 deletions packages/ddc-core-llvm/DDC/Llvm/Pretty/Function.hs
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@@ -1,27 +1,39 @@

module DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Function
( pprFunctionHeader)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Function where
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Function
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Type
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Attr ()
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Instr ()
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Instr
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Base
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Prelude hiding ((<$>))

instance Pretty Function where
ppr (Function decl paramNames attrs sec body)
= let attrDoc = hsep $ map ppr attrs
secDoc = case sec of
data PrettyMode Function
= PrettyModeFunction
{ modeFunctionConfig :: Config }

= PrettyModeFunction
{ modeFunctionConfig = defaultConfig }

pprModePrec (PrettyModeFunction config) prec
(Function decl paramNames attrs sec body)
= let
attrDoc = hsep $ map ppr attrs

secDoc = case sec of
SectionAuto -> empty
SectionSpecific s -> text "section" <+> (dquotes $ text s)

pprBlock = pprModePrec (PrettyModeBlock config) prec

in text "define"
<+> pprFunctionHeader decl (Just paramNames)
<+> attrDoc <+> secDoc
<$> lbrace
<$> vcat (map ppr body)
<$> vcat (map pprBlock body)
<$> rbrace

Expand Down
102 changes: 82 additions & 20 deletions packages/ddc-core-llvm/DDC/Llvm/Pretty/Instr.hs
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@@ -1,41 +1,81 @@

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Instr where
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Attr
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Exp
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Instr
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Metadata
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Prim
import DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Type
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Exp
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Prim ()
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Metadata ()
import DDC.Llvm.Pretty.Base
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Foldable as Seq
import DDC.Base.Pretty

instance Pretty Label where
ppr (Label str) = text str

instance Pretty Block where
ppr (Block label instrs)
= ppr label <> colon
<$$> indent 8 (vcat $ map ppr $ Seq.toList instrs)
data PrettyMode Block
= PrettyModeBlock
{ modeBlockConfig :: Config }

= PrettyModeBlock
{ modeBlockConfig = defaultConfig }

(PrettyModeBlock config) prec
(Block label instrs)
= let downAnnotInstr
= pprModePrec (PrettyModeAnnotInstr config) prec

in ppr label <> colon
<$$> indent 8 (vcat $ map downAnnotInstr $ Seq.toList instrs)

instance Pretty AnnotInstr where
ppr (AnnotInstr instr []) = ppr instr
ppr (AnnotInstr instr mds)
= let pprWithTag (MDecl ref Tbaa{}) = text "!tbaa" <> space <> ppr ref
pprWithTag (MDecl ref Debug) = text "!debug" <> space <> ppr ref
in ppr instr
<> comma <> (hcat $ replicate 4 space)
<> (hcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) (map pprWithTag mds))
data PrettyMode AnnotInstr
= PrettyModeAnnotInstr
{ modeAnnotInstrConfig :: Config }

= PrettyModeAnnotInstr
{ modeAnnotInstrConfig = defaultConfig }

pprModePrec (PrettyModeAnnotInstr config) prec ainstr
= case ainstr of
AnnotInstr instr []
-> pprModePrec (PrettyModeInstr config) prec instr

AnnotInstr instr mds
-> let pprWithTag (MDecl ref Tbaa{}) = text "!tbaa" <> space <> ppr ref
pprWithTag (MDecl ref Debug) = text "!debug" <> space <> ppr ref
in pprModePrec (PrettyModeInstr config) prec instr
<> comma <> (hcat $ replicate 4 space)
<> (hcat $ punctuate (comma <> space) (map pprWithTag mds))

instance Pretty Instr where
ppr ii
= let -- Pad binding occurrence of variable.
data PrettyMode Instr
= PrettyModeInstr
{ modeInstrConfig :: Config }

= PrettyModeInstr
{ modeInstrConfig = defaultConfig }

pprModePrec (PrettyModeInstr config) _prec ii
= let
-- Pad binding occurrence of variable.
padVar var
= fill 12 (ppr $ nameOfVar var)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,10 +138,20 @@ instance Pretty Instr where

-- Memory Operations ------------------------------
ILoad vDst x1
-- From LLVM 3.7 we need to give the type of the source pointer
-- as well as the type of the result of the load.
| configWantsLoadReturnTypes config
-> padVar vDst
<+> equals
<+> text "load"
<+> ppr x1
<+> equals
<+> text "load"
<+> ppr (typeOfVar vDst) <> comma -- Type of result.
<+> ppr x1 -- Pointer type of source.

-- Before LLVM 3.7 we only needed to give the type of the source pointer.
| otherwise
-> padVar vDst
<+> equals
<+> text "load" <+> ppr x1

IStore xDst xSrc
-> text "store"
Expand All @@ -126,6 +176,18 @@ instance Pretty Instr where
<+> ppr (typeOfVar vDst)

IGet vDst xSrc os
-- From LLVM 3.7 we need to give the type of the source pointer
-- as well as the type of the result of the load.
| configWantsLoadReturnTypes config
, XVar (Var _ (TPointer t)) <- xSrc
-> padVar vDst
<+> equals
<+> text "getelementptr"
<+> ppr t <> comma -- Type of result
<+> (hcat $ punctuate (text ", ") $ (ppr xSrc : map ppr os))

-- Before LLVM 3.7 we only needed to give the type of the source pointer.
| otherwise
-> padVar vDst
<+> equals
<+> text "getelementptr"
Expand All @@ -149,12 +211,12 @@ instance Pretty Instr where
ICall mdst callType callConv tResult name xsArgs attrs
-> let call'
= case callType of
CallTypeTail -> text "tail call"
_ -> text "call"
CallTypeTail -> text "tail call"
_ -> text "call"
= case mdst of
Nothing -> empty
Just dst -> fill 12 (ppr $ nameOfVar dst) <+> equals <> space
Nothing -> empty
Just dst -> fill 12 (ppr $ nameOfVar dst) <+> equals <> space

in dst'
<> hsep [ call'
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