DisGo provides a full set of libraries to create your own discord bot.
This includes the following featured libraries:
- DisGo - your discord library in go
- DisGoLink - your Lavalink Client specifically made for DisGo
- Audio - lets you process various audio formats into opus frames ready to send to discord
- DisLog - a Logrus hook to send your logs into your discord server via webhooks
- Paginator - a library to help you display lots of data in pages using buttons
This organization also features some other smaller libraries used in our repositories such as:
- snowflake - a library which provides everything you need to work with discord snowflakes
- json - a json interface which allows you to plug your own json library in & provides support for optional nullable fields
- log - a logging interface which allows you to plug your own logger in
- validate - a work in progress library to make validation of structs less painful
We have a public discord server which you are welcome to join here