focus-shift is a lightweight, zero-dependency JavaScript library designed for keyboard-based navigation in web applications. It restricts itself to shifting focus between elements in response to arrow key events. The behaviour of focus shifting can be guided by annotations in the HTML markup. This allows the library to work well with technologies that prefer generating HTML over interacting with JavaScript directly.
- Move focus with the arrow keys
- Declare groups with custom focus strategies
- Mark subtrees of the DOM that should trap focus
- Mark subtrees of the DOM that should be skipped
- Mark elements to not trigger scrolling when receiving focus
- Dispatches events which allow canceling individual focus shifts
Here's a simple example of annotating markup:
<div data-focus-group="active">
<button data-focus-active>About</button>
<button data-focus-skip>Delete your account</button>
<script type="module" src="focus-shift.js"></script>
The following attributes may be added in the markup to guide the moving of focus:
: Defines a navigation group and the initial focus when focus moves to a group. Default islinear
: The first element in the DOM order receives focus.last
: The last element in the DOM order is focused
: Focuses on the element within the group marked as active.linear
: Focus is determined by the spatial direction of user navigation.memorize
: The last focused element within the group receives focus again.
: Marks an element as the currently active element within a
: Skips the element and its descendants in
: Only allows elements within the annotated layer to receive
: Prevents scrolling when the element receives focus.
Setting window.FOCUS_SHIFT_DEBUG = true
lets the library log processing steps to the browser's console.
- It doesn't just work. It would be nice if focus could automatically move to the intuitive element in each case, but this seems to require a sophisticated model of visual weight and Gestalt principles. This is out of scope for a simple library like this.
- It should be easy to make it work. With a little bit of annotation in the markup, one can express relationships to help the algorithm move focus in an adequate way.
- Annotations should be logical, not spatial. To be useful in responsive layouts, the annotations should express logical rather than spatial relationships.
- Keep state to a minimum. As much as possible, the library should treat each event in isolation and not maintain state representing the page layout. This may make the library less performant, but avoids complicated and error prone recomputation logic.
- Dispatch cancelable events when descending into or out of groups
- Treat elements in open shadow DOM as focusable
- Allow defining custom selectors for focusables
- Use focus heuristics based on user agent's text direction
- Offer a JavaScript API
- Handle keyboard events other than arrow keys
- Handle focus in iframes or closed shadow DOM
flowchart TB
Idle(((Idle))) == keypress ==> D_KP{Is arrow key?}
%% Terminology from
D_KP -- Yes --> A_BC[Get top blocking element]
D_KP -- No --> Idle
A_BC --> D_AE{Contains activeElement?}
D_AE -- No --> A_SI[Select initial focus]
A_SI --> Idle
D_AE -- Yes --> Find
subgraph Find
direction TB
A_FC[Find candidates within next parent group]
A_FC --> D_CF{Candidates found?}
D_CF -- Yes --> A_SN[Stop with candidates]
D_CF -- No --> D_PB[Is parent the top blocking element?]
D_PB -- Yes --> A_NC[Stop with no candidates]
D_PB -- No --> A_FC
Find --> D_HC[One or more candidates?]
D_HC -- Yes --> Activate
D_HC -- No --> Idle
subgraph Activate
direction TB
D_DP[Direct projection along movement axis non-empty?] -- Yes --> A_FD[Reduce to only those candidates]
D_DP -- No --> A_CA[Continue with all candidates]
A_CA --> A_SC[Select candidate with lowest Euclidean distance]
A_FD --> A_SC
A_SC --> D_CG[Is selected candidate a group?]
D_CG -- Yes --> A_DG[Select new candidate based on group's strategy]
A_DG --> D_CG
D_CG -- No --> A_FS[Focus selected candidate]
Activate --> Idle
The library is implemented in withered JavaScript, so it should work directly with most browsers and a development server is not needed.
There is ample JSDoc documentation so that the TypeScript compiler may be used for typechecking in strict mode:
npm test
The code is formatted with slightly non-standard prettier:
npm run format
End-to-end tests are done using Cypress.
Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your proposed changes.
-, a nice and simple but more spatially oriented library
-, spatial navigation library with good functionality but JavaScript-focused and stateful configuration
-, a possibly abandoned proposal for a Web Platform API
(C) Copyright 2024 Dividat AG
Published under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.