Simple setup with lot of goodies π
Enable Trackpad / Tap to click
Enable Accessibility / Mouse and trackpad / Trackpad options / Enable dragging / Three finger drag
Disable accent menu (needs restart):
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- Move key repeat rate and delay until repeat all the way to the right
brew install git vim yarn wget watchman tree ffmpeg gh coreutils
- Configure
git config --global "First Last"
git config --global
Install Cascadia Code font
brew install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlimagesize webpquicklook quicklookase qlvideo --cask
- Fig - modern terminal autocomplete
- ZSH autosuggestions
- bgnotify
- ZSH syntax highlighting
- z
- fzf
- fkill-cli
- fx
- bat
- diff-so-fancy
- pgcli
- mycli
- ag
- cleanup
- sudo
- web-search
- jay
- yt-dlp - improved
- pnpm
- Bitwarden
- Dark Reader
- File icons for GitHub and GitLab
- Keepa
- Lighthouse
- Markdown Here
- MetaMask
- Minimal Theme for Twitter / X
- Phantom
- React Developer Tools
- Reddit Enhancement Suite
- Wikiwand
- SponsorBlock - auto skips YouTube sponsors
- TickTick - task management
- Raycast - spotlight and alfred alternative
- Dato - better date menu bar app
- Bandwidth+ - bandwidth monitoring
- Sensible side button - for gaming mouse
- Scroll reverser - auto scroll reverse on mouse
- Itsycal - view calendar from menu bar
- KeepingYouAwake - prevent mac from sleeping
- Lungo - prevent mac from sleeping
- Maccy - clipboard manager
- Rectangle - window manager
- Kap - screen recorder
- Mounty - NTFS volumes in write mode
- Thor - painless application switching
- Dozer - hide menu bar icons
- Android File Transfer - for android phones
- Pock - touchbar dock
- MTMR - touchbar customizations
- Markdown here - email in markdown
- Mos - smooth scrolling with external mouse
- Flotato - turn any webpage into floating app
- Background Music - auto pause music
- QRCP - share files to and fro another device through QR code
- Latest - check for all apps updates
- OneMenu - menu bar app for checking resource utilization, quick window management, keyboard cleaning
- iTerm - terminal
- VSCode - code editor
- GPG Suite - gpg manager
- Xcode - react native stuff
- Android Studio - react native stuff
- React Native Debugger - react native debugging
- Table Plus - the DB app
- Sequel Pro - MySQL client
- Postgres app - Postgres for mac
- Postico app - Postgres client
- MongoDB app - MongoDB for mac
- Redis app - Redis for mac
- Contraste - simple color contrast ratio viewer
- Medis - redis client
- Proxyman - proxy client for apps
- brew-services-menubar - managing brew services from menubar
- ngrok - localhost tunnel
- RunJS - JS runtime desktop app that executes as you type
- Hoppscotch - API Client
- Obsidian
- Raindrop - all my bookmarks
- Zoom - video calls
- Black Out - hide sensitive information on images
- Dropbox - cloud storage
- Discord - chat client
- Telegram - chat client
- Figma - design software
- IINA - media player
- Pym - image compression
- Davinci Resolve - video editing
- Clocker - timezones menubar app
- Flip clock screensaver - nice screensaver
- Notion
- Signal
- Slack
- Kindle
- Darkroom - photo editing
- @divyanshu013 π