provides an UIImage
extension for generating letter-based avatars. There are a few images showing what you can achive by using this framework:
- iOS 8 and later
- Swift 4.0 and later
is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.1.8" # Swift 5.0
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.1.7" # Swift 4.2
pod "LetterAvatarKit", "1.1.5" # Swift 4.0
Add this to Cartfile
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.1.8 # Swift 5.0
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.1.7 # Swift 4.2
github "vpeschenkov/LetterAvatarKit" == 1.1.5 # Swift 4.0
$ carthage update
By LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration
let configuration = LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration()
configuration.username = "Letter Avatar"
avatarImageView?.image = UIImage.makeLetterAvatar(withConfiguration: configuration)
or simplier without the one:
avatarImageView?.image = UIImage.makeLetterAvatar(withUsername: "Letter Avatar")
Using a configuration:
LAKLetterAvatarBuilderCongiguration *configuration = [[LAKLetterAvatarBuilderCongiguration alloc] init];
configuration.username = @"Letter Avatar";
self.avatarImageView.image = [UIImage lak_makeLetterAvatarWithConfiguration:configuration];
or simplier without the one:
self.avatarImageView.image = [UIImage lak_makeLetterAvatarWithUsername:@"Letter Avatar"];
You can configure the following properties of LetterAvatarBuilderConfiguration
/// The size of an avatar image.
open var size: CGSize = CGSize(width: 80, height: 80)
/// The username.
open var username: String?
/// The flag that indicates of using single letter instead of two lettters.
open var singleLetter: Bool = false
/// The letters font.
open var lettersFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16.0)
/// The letters colors
open var lettersColor: UIColor = LAKUIColorByRGB(red: 236, green: 240, blue: 241)
/// The background colors of an image.
open var backgroundColors: [UIColor] = UIColor.colors
/// The letters font attributes.
open var lettersFontAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]?
Questions, comments, issues, and pull requests are welcome!
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.