A simple proxy for MozRepl over HTTP-GET using express/node.js to control Firefox:
browser or client <--HTTP-GET--> fireprox <----> MozRepl + Firefox
I threw this together because I needed an easy way to programatically read the current url from a remote Firefox into my javascript web application but was unable to workaround browser security restrictions or get Firefox WebDriver to work reliably.
$ npm install -g fireprox # might need to prefix with sudo
$ fireprox
$ fireprox --help
Usage: fireprox [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port [port] fireprox listening port (default:8080)
-m, --mozrepl-host [host] mozrepl hostname or ip-address (default:localhost)
-q, --mozrepl-port [port] mozrepl port (default:4242)
Navigate to http://server:8080
where server
the node.js server running fireprox. You should see Fireprox says hello!
Now navigate to http://server:8080/COMMAND
is any MozRepl command.
To get the firefox current url browse to http://server:8080/content.location.href
To navigate firefox to http://bar
browse to http://server:8080/content.location.href='http:%2f%2fbar'
(notice the escaped //)
To show foo
in an alert box browse to http://server:8080/alert('foo')
(you'll need to manually close this alert before fireprox returns).
$ npm install -g livescript # ensure livescript is installed globally
$ git clone git@github.com:dizzib/fireprox.git
$ cd fireprox
$ ./task/bootstrap # compile the task runner and install dependencies
$ node _build/task/repl # launch the task runner
fireprox > b.c # build compile
$ ./_build/site/bin/fireprox # run it!
Inspired by codediesel.