Django signalcontrol is a django extension for dynamically enabling/disabling signals. This application allows django signals to be disabled or enabled on-demand through the django admin interface.
Full documentation can be found on
Documentation source files are available in the docs folder.
django-signalcontrol is licensed under the GNU-3 license (see the LICENSE file for details).
install via pip:
pip install django-signalcontrol
add the following to your INSTALLED_APPS in
SignalControl can be added to a signal with the provided decorator. In the file, import the signalcontrol decorator and add the signal_control decorator to the line directly above the signal definition.
An django admin interface for django-signalcontrol is available to set signals to enabled or disabled. This displays all signals that can be controlled, and lists the application, model, signal receiver and signal name. Additionally, full search is available and filters are available for each field. Signals can be enabled or disabled individually or in bulk.
from signalcontrol.decorators import signal_control
@receiver(post_save, sender=MyCoolModel)
def msg_after_my_model_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
""" some signal """
print('you just saved an instance of MyCoolModel')