WebKit for Android is a port of WebKit engine which runs on Android and Windows platforms. Visit WebKit on GitHub or WebKit Project Home to know more about the WebKit Project.
You need Android SDK and NDK to build. If you need to know what to do for setup, visit Android Developers and Android NDK. You also need CMake, Python, Ruby and Java 1.7 to accomplish the building.
- Tested build host system is Windows 64bit and Ubuntu Linux 64bit.
- Tested NDK versions are r12, r12b and r14.
First, download WebKitLibraries package for android and put the contents under WebKitLibraries/android.
You need to setup environment variables as written below:
export ANDROID_SDK=<path-to-android-sdk>
export ANDROID_NDK=<path-to-android-ndk>
export PATH=$ANDROID_NDK:$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools:$PATH
You may also need JAVA_HOME=<path-to-jdk>
environment variable and need to specify path to ant tool if you are going to build with NDK for Windows.
Then generate build scripts using CMake:
mkdir WebKitBuild
cd WebKitBuild
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../Tools/android/android.toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME=clang -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" -DPORT=Android ..
Using ninja as generator for CMake is recommended. Add '-G "Ninja"' to cmake command if you want to do so.
Then run the following command to build:
cmake --build .
Note that the MiniBrowser.apk is dropped under Tools/MiniBrowser/android/bin.
For building WebKit on Windows, see the wiki page. Download WebKitLibraries package for Windows and put the contents under WebKitLibraries/win.
Then generate build scripts using CMake:
mkdir WebKitBuild
cd WebKitBuild
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -D PORT=Android ..
You'll see WebKit.sln in the build directory. Open it and hit 'Build Solution'. Set MiniBrowser project as the startup project and run.
WebKit for Android is built on unique projects you might found interesting. To completely understand how the Android WebKit is done, please visit the projects below:
- WebKitAndroidLibraries - Third-party libraries.
- androidjni++ - Object-Oriented JNI generator/binder library.
- android++ - Android-like application framework written in C++.
You're welcome to contribute. Be sure to read the instructions first which can be found on Contributing Code.
Copyright (c) 2017 NAVER Corp.