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VECMAtk Release Task List

Derek Groen edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 5 revisions


This document describes the tasks required to perform a VECMAtk release.

NOTE: some tools need to be released 4 days earlier, as other tools will need to have up-to-date versions to complete their testing. The tools that need to be released earlier include:

  • QCG-PilotJob
  • EasyVVUQ

Release tasks for each major release

May 1st:

  • Appoint tutorial manager: Derek.
  • Appoint website manager.
  • Appoint dissemination manager.
  • Appoint two code release managers: Robin and Hamid.
  • Appoint testing czar: Vytautas
  • List features to incorporate.
  • List planned example scenarios.
  • Assign open issues to next release Milestone if important (create a new milestone if it's not there).

May 15th:

  • Decide on technical features to include, with input from the consortium.
  • Ensure all proposed features will have been tested by others when the release takes place.
  • Update Alpha User Questionnaire on Google Drive. (code release manager) This involves the following:
    • Duplicate the existing questionnaire.
    • Reorganize the questionnaire, minimizing added length, as all users should be able to test the toolkit in a short time span.

May 22nd:

  • Finish draft tutorials and examples. (led by tutorial manager)
  • Report on testing status and raise issues to improve coverage. (testing czar)

May 24th:

  • Feature freeze EasyVVUQ. Revise tutorials to accommodate updated EasyVVUQ version.

May 29th:

  • Tag a release candidate for alpha user testing. (code release manager)
  • Feature freeze FabSim3, including plugins. Focus on documentation and debugging instead. (code release manager)
  • Ask Alpha Users to test the new release (tutorial manager) within the next week. Each assigned developer collects verbal feedback from their alpha users, and raises GitHub issues accordingly (ALL).

June 5th:

  • Circulate a release pre-announcement e-mail across the consortium, using the format used for previous releases. (dissemination manager)
  • Chase alpha users for feedback, and incorporate changes to accommodate it. (ALL)

June 12th

  • Tag release versions of all VECMAtk components on GitHub (e.g., FabSim3, EasyVVUQ). (code release manager)
  • Write release notes for each component, using the format adopted for previous releases and cross-linking to other component releases. For an example, see here: . (code release manager)

June 13th

  • Circulate a release announcement e-mail across the consortium (vecma-all), using the format used for previous releases. (website manager)
  • Disseminate the release as widely as possible (dissemination manager)
  • Send questionnaire to Alpha users, and ask them to test the new release (tutorial manager).

Release tasks for a minor release

One month before release

  • Appoint code release managers (ideally two people from two different institutions, and involved with at least two different components).
  • Assign open issues to next release Milestone if important (create a new milestone if it's not there).

Two weeks before release

  • Decide on technical features to include.
  • Ensure all proposed features will have been tested by others when the release takes place.

One week before release

  • Update Alpha User Questionnaire on Google Drive. This involves the following:
    • Duplicate the existing questionnaire.
    • Reorganize the questionnaire, minimizing added length, as all users should be able to test the toolkit in a short time span.
  • Circulate a release pre-announcement e-mail across the consortium, using the format used for previous releases.

Release day

  • Tag release versions of all VECMAtk components on GitHub (e.g., FabSim3, EasyVVUQ). Derek and David/Robin.
  • Write release notes for each component, using the format adopted for previous releases and cross-linking to other component releases. For an example, see here: . Hamid.
  • Circulate a release announcement e-mail across the consortium (vecma-all), using the format used for previous releases. Xuanye and Peter.

Up to one week after release day

  • Announce release on VECMA website and through major dissemination channels (Xuanye).
  • Send questionnaire to Alpha users, and ask them to test the new release (Robbie).

Up to one month after release day

  • (prior to this) remind alpha users to test the toolkit and fill in the questionnaire.
  • Gather feedback from alpha users, and use this to guide developments for the next release.
  • Close release milestone.