This is a solution for interview task created by Carnegie Technologies.
Please create a web app that will work as a phonebook with these functionalities:
- Create an account
- Login
- List my contacts
- Add contact
- Edit contact
- Delete contact
- Logout
Please create:
- Database
- API (using Ruby on Rails)
- Web app (must be the “thin client” which generates its own pages + pages generated on the server musn’t be used)
- GitHub project where you will keep everything.
- Create and set database with
rails db:setup
- Install all react libraries by going to
dir and runyarn install
All tests can be run by command rspec
Easiest way to start both apps is via foreman gem. Install the gem by gem install foreman
and then run by foreman start -f
Other way would be to start rails app via rails server -p 3001
and separately start react app by going to the client dir and run PORT=3000 npm start
- ruby 2.5.5
- rails 6.0.4
- postgresql 13
- npm 8.4.1