A.) Team Members Information:
- Dhwani Shah - shah.dhw@husky.neu.edu
- Ashwath Shunti Mahabalagiri - shuntimahabalagiri.a@husky.neu.edu
- Suyog Sathe - sathe.su@husky.neu.edu
- Ivan Fernando - fernando.i@husky.neu.edu
B.) Prerequisitesfor building and deploying the application. Programming language - Java
Frameworks - Spring
Third-party libraries - Spring boot, Spring boot security, SQL connectors, Bcrypt using salt
C.) Instructions to run web application:
- Install IntelliJ IDE, JDK 1.8
- Install MariaDB
- Clone assignment2 branch in local
- Open project in intelliJ
- Configure database connections in code
- Build the project
- Run WebapiAssignment2Application.java
- Use POSTMAN to consume the API's
D.) Instructions to run unit tests: Install JUnit Test run WebapiAssignment2Application.java