Pynvim has to be installed.
conda install -c conda-forge pynvim
Nodejs needs to be installed to make coc.nvim work. The easiest way is to install it with conda.
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
coc-json for json intellisense.
:CocInstall coc-json
coc-pyright for python editing.
:CocInstall coc-pyright
For python linting, pylint and flake8 are used. For PEP 8 style guide, autopep8.
conda install -c conda-forge pylint flake8 autopep8
coc-vimtex has to be installed to make vimtex work with coc.
:CocInstall coc-vimtex
Install ccls. There is a conda version for MacOS and Linux. For Windows, it has to be built with Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC). A replacement could be coc-clangd.