Maven Content Check plugin is able to perform various kind of content checks on project's output artifact. There is a couple of use cases for such kind of check.
- legal issues
- an archive must contain only approved 3rd party libraries
- an archive must contain a license file
- content completeness
- an archive must/must not contain some files
The goal checks an archive content and reports unexpected or missing entries.
Create "content.txt" text file and put this file into "src/main" directory of the some module. This file contains allowed and also expected entries that the archive should contain. You can also let the goal 'generate' create initial version of this file.
Now you can run the goal by following command, but ensure that the archive is present in module's target directory.
mvn net.sf.buildbox.maven:contentcheck-maven-plugin:check
The goal generates a content definition from a given archive.
You can run the goal by following command
mvn net.sf.buildbox.maven:contentcheck-maven-plugin:generate
The goal shows license information for an archive entries. License information is gathered from dependency's POM, but a project may define additional mapping between files in a project archive and licenses. Please see section Additional license information structure.
You can run the goal by following command
mvn net.sf.buildbox.maven:contentcheck-maven-plugin:show-licenses
Put the following XML fragment to a POM file producing an archive (e.g. WAR) on which you would like to perform Maven Content Check Plugin's goals.
<!-- optional configuration see below -->
The plugin might be configured by following properties. If a property is valid only for some goals then a goal name will be specified.
archive The archive file to be checked
contentListing (valid for goals: check, generate) The content definition file (source of true)
checkFilesPattern An Ant like file pattern determines which files will be checked int the archive
(All JARs in WAR) -
failOnUnexpected (valid for goals: check) Break the build when the archive contains files that are not declared in the content definition file.
failOnMissing (valid for goals: check) Break the build when the archive doesn't contain all files that are declared in the content definition file.
ignoreVendorArchives If it's true then doesn't check vendor JAR files. A vendor JAR file is determined by a value (vendorId) in its manifest key (manifestVendorEntry).
vendorId The vendor id. This value is used for JAR's manifest checking when noCheckVendorArchives is turned on.
manifestVendorEntry The name of manifest entry that holds vendor's identification. This value is used for JAR's manifest checking when noCheckVendorArchives is turned on.
msgMissing (valid for goals: check) Message used to report missing entry - uses the
syntax to embed entry name. -
File is expected but not found: %s
msgUnexpected (valid for goals: check) Message used to report unexpected entry - uses the
syntax to embed entry name. -
Found unexpected file: %s
skipPOMPackaging modules with POM packaging are skipped (excluded from the content check)
Default value is
overwriteExistingListing (valid for goals: generate) If it's true the 'generate' goal overwrite content listing file.
csvOutput (valid for goals: show-licenses) If true print the result of check to a CSV file in project build directory.
- Default
- Default
csvOutputFile (valid for goals: show-licenses) The CSV output file that is used when (csvOutput) is turned on.
- Default
- Default
Put the desired configuration properties into configuration
It's quite common to ignore own artifacts during checking. The plugin supports such case and is driven by JAR's manifest. You have to ensure that all internal artifacts or at least artifacts that you would like to ignore have a specific key/value pair in manifest files. You can do that by JAR plugin.
JAR plugin will produce MANIFEST.MF
with key/value pair Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.example
Content check plugin has to be configured to ignoreVendorArchives for a given vendorId.
You can put to vendorId whatever you want. You can also use any other key instead of Implementation-Vendor-Id
for matching. A key name is specified by property manifestVendorEntry.
Matches every MANIFEST.MF with key/value pair Producer: com.example
- empty lines and lines starting to # are ignored
- one entry per line
- path is relation to archive root
WAR's content definition
# This line is ignored
Not all archive entries have to have license information defined in their POMs. Therefore you may define such additional information in JSON file ( src/main/license.mapping
The JSON structure is defined as following
"licenses": [
"name" : "License name",
"url" : "License text URL",
"files": [
"file name"
JSON license mapping example
"licenses": [
"name" : "The LGPL license 2.1",
"url" : "",
"files" : [
"name" : "The BSD license",
"url" : "",
"files" : [