This Git repository is intended for use by our dedicated teams at the TYPO3 Surfcamp.
The project is based on the current development branch of TYPO3 v13.x, using Composer. The configuration happens via .env
thanks to the underlying package vlucas/phpdotenv
- having Docker installed locally (see
- having DDEV installed locally (see
ddev start
ddev composer install
- Backend:
- Username:
- Password:
# HEADS UP: All files in the local `public/fileadmin/` will be overridden, that means:
# all files that are not present in `data/files/public/fileadmin/` will be deleted from fileadmin
ddev pull assets
# HEADS UP: All files in the local `data/files/public/fileadmin/` will be overridden, that means:
# all files that are not present in `public/fileadmin/` will be deleted from fileadmin
ddev push assets
Run into the root of the project the following command to install all required Node dependencies
ddev composer npm-install
(This is also executed automatically after running composer install
Run the following commands to compile SCCS/JS or to watch assets:
ddev composer watch-assets
ddev composer compile-css
ddev composer compile-js
ddev composer compile-assets