This is a very simple "Hello World" example of how to use Java Native Interface (JNI) to call a C function from Java.
- Git
change directories (cd) to a development directory
issue "git clone"
issue "cd java-jni" to change to the java-jni directory
issue "javac" to compile the Java source
issue "javah -jni HelloWorld" to generate a HelloWorld.h C header file (see Note1 )
create the HelloWorld.c source including the jni.h and HelloWorld.h C header files in addition to required C runtime library headers (see Note1 )
edit the make file so that the include paths contain the location of the generated HelloWorld.h C header file, your_JDK_install_path/include, and your_JDK_install_path/include/linux (see Note2 and Makefile)
issue "make" to generate the (so = Shared Object which is like a Windows DLL)
set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the directory and export so that the JVM can locate the shared object
- (e.g. "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./" to set to the current directory and then "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
- issue "java HelloWorld" to see the "Hello world" text which is written by a C shared object called from Java
- git clone
- cd java-jni
- javac
- javah -jni HelloWorld
- create jni dynamic library for mac osx
- g++ "-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Headers" -x c -c HelloWorld.c
- g++ -dynamiclib -o libHelloWorld.jnilib HelloWorld.o
- you will see a libHelloWorld.jnilib in current dir
- excute HelloWolrd.class and get C print result
Hello world!
- java HelloWorld
- Note0
- be sure to consitently use the same version of Java for all steps (i.e. same release number and only 31 OR 64-bit) .
- Note1
- these steps are optional since the HelloWorld.h and HelloWorld.c source are contained in this sample.
- Note2
- you could alternatively use the C_INCLUDE_PATH variable to specifiy JDK or other C include headers instead of using the "gcc -I" include options
- Makefile
- the makefile uses -Wall to turn on most warnings and -Werror to make warnings errors (and fail the compilation)