Food! Who doesn’t love food? I love food! Love the idea of sharing my experiences with food using literature. Gastronome is a food blog that documents the fact that food is for the soul. This application will allow users to post about food. A blog to chronicle authentic recipes, or experiential food or just about anything that one is cooking or enjoying. With a story and images accompanying the blog post, this application will celebrate the awesomeness of food.
A user must be logged into create/edit/delete a post and to add comments to other posts. This blog uses all 7 routes of the RESTful API architecture. A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.
- Download the repository.
- Prerequisites:
The following should be installed on the machine.
- Node.js []
- MongoDB []
- Open a terminal window and go the project folder.
- Run npm install.
- Start up the server.
- Enjoy!
The application has three main entities - User, Posts and Comments. The follwoing are the routes that assist in performing CRUD operations on these entities.
Name | Path | HTTP Method | Description |
SINGUP | /user/signUp | GET | Show form to create user account |
SINGUP | /user/signUp | POST | Create user account |
LOGIN | /user/login | GET | Show form to login |
LOGIN | /user/login | POST | Do login |
SHOW | /user/:id | GET | View a user details |
Name | Path | HTTP Method | Description |
INDEX | /postAll | GET | Show all posts |
INDEX | /user/:id/post | GET | Show user specific posts |
NEW | /user/:id/post/new | GET | Show form to create a new post entry |
CREATE | /user/:id/post | POST | Create a new post entry |
SHOW | /user/:id/post/:id | GET | Show details of a post entry |
EDIT | /user/:id/post/:id/edit | GET | Get the edit form for a post entry |
UPDATE | /user/:id/post/:id | PUT | Update a post entry |
DESTROY | /user/:id/post/:id | DELETE | Delete a post entry |
Name | Path | HTTP Method | Description |
CREATE | /user/:id/post.:id | POST | Create comment |