This is a post processor for SuperSlicer / PrusaSlicer that adds a command in top of the GCode that sets the boundry for the object thats beeing printed
Like this: SET_OBJECT_BOUNDRY X_MIN=<x min> X_MAX=<x max> Y_MIN=<y min> Y_MAX=<y max>
Then you can create a GCode Macro thats called SET_OBJECT_BOUNDRY that uses the variables to calculate other stuff
The post processor is installed in Print Settings / Output Options / Post-Processing scripts
Remember to modify the path to the script
Example Video on YouTube
The post processer is downloadable as Process.ps1 in the repository
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
if (Test-Path $GCodeFile) {
$Content = Get-Content $GCodeFile
else {
Throw("$GCodeFile not found!")
if ($Content[0] -ilike "*SuperSlicer*") {
$Slicer = "SuperSlicer"
elseif ($Content[0] -ilike "*PrusaSlicer*") {
$Slicer = "PrusaSlicer"
else {
Throw("Slicer not supported!")
Write-Host "Job created with $Slicer"
$Length = $Content.Length
$StartPrintAt = 0
# Detect Slicer
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Length; $i++) {
$_match = $null
switch ($Slicer) {
"SuperSlicer" {
if ($Content[$i].StartsWith('; printing object')) {
$_match = $i
"PrusaSlicer" {
if ($Content[$i].StartsWith(';TYPE:Perimeter')) {
$_match = $i
Default {}
if ($_match) {
$StartPrintAt = $i
Write-Host "File Lenght: $Length"
Write-Host "Start print at: $StartPrintAt"
# Detect X Values
$x_matches = $Content | Select-String -Pattern "X(\d+\.\d+)" -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { [decimal]$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } | Sort-Object
$x_min = $x_matches[0]
$x_max = $x_matches[$x_matches.Length - 1]
# Detect Y Values
$y_matches = $Content | Select-String -Pattern "Y(\d+\.\d+)" -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { [decimal]$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value } | Sort-Object
$y_min = $y_matches[0]
$y_max = $y_matches[$y_matches.Length - 1]
Write-Host "Boundery`nX: $x_min,$x_max `nY: $y_min,$y_max"
$x_parkPoint = (($x_max - $x_min) / 2) + $x_min
$y_parkPoint = $y_max + 5
# Write back to file
Write-Host "ParkPoint X$x_parkPoint Y$y_parkPoint"
$newContent = @($Content[0], "", "; Insert Boundry of object", "SET_OBJECT_BOUNDRY X_MIN=$x_min X_MAX=$x_max Y_MIN=$y_min Y_MAX=$y_max", $Content[1..($Content.Length - 1)])
$newContent | Set-Content -Path $GCodeFile