Kubernetes development toolkit, with a focus on rapid iteration and local hosting.
To install the Ptah CLI from source, either pip install directly:
pip install -e ".[dev,doc]"
or, if you do not have a compatible version of Python,
install Miniforge then create the ptah
from the file in this repo.
conda env create -f conda.yml
Run automatic formatting / lint fixes via
ruff check --fix . && ruff format . && isort . && pyright
Alternatively, leverage our pre-commit configuration:
pre-commit install
Try to add documentation for any new feature you build. When possible it should follow Diátaxis. You may host a local copy of the docs by running
mkdocs serve
The lengthy series of tests in test_cli_end_to_end.py are skipped by default. To force them to run, use the command:
pytest -m e2e