This repo contains a slimmed down replica of the codebase of 2 frameworks used in Vendo to manage our cloud resources
Terraform: Code to create the AWS cloud infrastructure: VPC, Subnets, security groups, RDS instance, "app" server autoscaling group, bastion server etc.
- This code is tested for terraform v0.9.11
- There may be a small cost associated with creating this infrastructure. If this is going to be a problem, please let us know.
Ansible: Code to configure the infrastructure. Mainly the EC2 instances.
After forking this repo you can set up an environment in which to execute this code for testing.
- Install terraform v0.9.11
- Update the following variables in terraform/
- role_arn: a role in an AWS account you have full administrative access to
- Terraform will create the infrastructure in this account so you can test your work.
- Any existing resources already in the account created outside of Terraform will not be deleted or altered.
- region: The AWS region in which you want Terraform to create the resources
- iac_repo_url: Your fork of this repo. This will be used to pull your fork to any EC2 servers you create so you can test your work.
- ec2_key_name: An AWS EC2 key which you have access to. This will be added to the EC2 instances you create
- whitelisted_ips: Add your IP here so you can connect to the bastion server
- vpc_cidr_block (optional): If the AWS account already has an existing VPC, you can change the VPC CIDR created here so it doesn't overlap.
- role_arn: a role in an AWS account you have full administrative access to
- Run
terraform plan
and/orterraform apply
to create the infrastructure in your chosen AWS account.
Submit a Merge Request that creates Terraform and Ansible configuration to do the following:
- Create an AWS Elastic Application Load Balancer distributing requests to a new EC2 autoscaling group (can be an ASG of just 1 instance)
- Create all the associated configs: target group, launch config, security groups etc.
- Instances created in this ASG should be tagged with "Type=web_servers"
- This ALB should be publicly accessible on port 80
- Create a Memcache Elasticache cluster that is accessible by the instances in the ASG created above
- Create 2 Ansible roles: one to install Apache, another to install PHP.
- Apache should be configured with a virtualhost listening on all IPs
- The documentroot of the virtualhost should be a new directory on the web server(s) called
- PHP should be configured to use the Memcache Elasticache cluster as its session save path
- The "application" in this directory should consist of a PHP file which does the following:
- Connect to the RDS database created in terraform/ and output a list of tables in all databases on the RDS instance
- Output the contents of the phpinfo() command
- Create a new Mysql user in the RDS database instance with the appropriate Mysql GRANTs.
- The PHP "application" should use this user when connecting to the DB.
- When the instances in your new ASG come up, they should pull this repo (or your fork of it) and execute an Ansible playbook to apply the Apache & PHP roles to themselves.
- Terraform should output the public DNS of the Elastic load balancer that, when visited in a browser, should show the listing of the database tables and the phpinfo() page.