My name is Dominika Krzyszczyk1 and my field of expertise is broadly-understood Cloud Computing. I'm from Poland 🇵🇱 and I'm currently working remotely @Collibra as Senior Infrastructure Engineer. That role include responsibility for evolving our product into a more SaaS friendly design. I have 8 years of professional background with various Cloud providers (AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud) in public, private, and hybrid-Cloud solutions. If you want to know more, then please find me on LinkedIn.
1 Phonetically: Dom-i-neeka Kri-shi-shik
const info = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
deepDive: {
whoAmI: ["proud feminist", "LGBTQIA+ ally", "veg lover"],
favWorkParts: ["Cloud-native architecture, k8s & istio"],
spareTime: ["personal growth", "self-care", "people"],
proudOf: ["two BEng degrees & MEng degree"],
goals: ["work abroad", "lead a team", "earn a PhD"],
addicted: ["climbing", "graphic and design", "books", "coffee"],
reminder: "the key to success is to start before you're ready",