based on Jonathan Naylor's (G4KLX) "ircDDBGateway" and "PCRepeaterController" for D-Star
See the orginal documentation
Updated documentation is additionally here
If you prefer to build debian packages see below. OpenDV project is build with WX3 Widgets. Install prerequisites : sudo apt install git build-essential automake debhelper libwxgtk3.0-dev libasound2-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev wiringpi fakeroot
sudo make install
./configure can be run with optional flags, see the OpenDV wiki for further details
--with-gpio to enable wiringPi on the RPi.
--without-gui no GUI build eliminating WX-GUI
Specific to DStarRepeater and DummyRepeater
--with-stardv flag to compile the Star*DV adapter in the STARDV directory
--with-ambeserver flag that compiles AMBEserver in the DV3000 directory.
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/OpenDV/ircDDBGateway
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -j2
cd ~/OpenDV/DStarRepeater
dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -j2
cd ~/OpenDV/
sudo dpkg -i opendv-base*.deb
sudo dpkg -i ircddbgateway*.deb
sudo dpkg -i dstarrepeater*.deb
sudo systemctl enable ircddbgatewayd
sudo systemctl enable dstarrepeaterd@1
If you have more than one repeater sudo systemctl enable dstarrepeaterd@1
Pre-compiled binary files are located in the Yahoo! groups including Windows binary files.
Please see the Yahoo! users group email reflectors for peer-support.