From the Amazon docs, an authentication token is used to access any Amazon ECR registry and is valid for 12 hours. At the time of this writing, if the token is configured as a secret in OpenShift, there is no native way to refresh the secret. In this integration, we will create a cronjob that periodically pulls the latest token used by ECR and refreshes the secret within a given OpenShift project.
- Tested with Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA), but solution applies generically to OpenShift 4
- Tested with OpenShift 4.9 and 4.10
- Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
- Create an AWS user
In Amazon ECR, create an AWS user for API access to ECR, and assign it the AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser
policy. Save the user's credentials for use at a later time, in step 3.
- Build an image with oc and aws cli
We will build an image that has both the oc and aws command line interface (cli). We will start by creating a project for this one time build and import an image which contains the oc cli. We'll also set this project to be visible for other projects to pull this image. In my example, I'll use the aws-oc-build
project, but you can use anything you'd like.
$ oc new-project aws-oc-build
$ oc import-image ose-cli-artifacts-alt-rhel8:latest --from=registry.redhat.io/openshift4/ose-cli-artifacts-alt-rhel8:latest --confirm
$ oc adm policy add-role-to-group view system:authenticated
$ oc adm policy add-role-to-group system:image-puller system:authenticated
We will install the aws cli on this image with these build artifacts: aws-oc-cli.artifacts.yaml
oc apply -f aws-oc-cli.artifacts.yaml
- Apply the secret rotation artifacts
In a new namespace from which you'd like to build and push application images to ECR, download the following ECR artifacts: ecr.artifacts.yaml
Update the AWS_ACCOUNT
values in the ecr-creds-rotator-secret Secret, and update the AWS_REGION
value in the ecr-creds-rotator-cm ConfigMap.
Then create the artifacts:
oc apply -f ecr.artifacts.yaml
- Configure a project template
As an alternative to step 3, you can configure a project template to automatically create these artifacts for new projects. Here is a sample template: ecr.template.yaml
$ oc create -f ecr.template.yaml -n openshift-config
$ oc edit project.config.openshift.io/cluster
apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: Project
name: project-request
- Now let's test a build
In ECR, create a new repository named <AWS_ACCOUNT>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/sample-ecr:latest
In OpenShift, create a new namespace and create this sample BuildConfig: sample.buildconfig.yaml. Replace the values of <AWS_ACCOUNT>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/sample-ecr:latest
with your AWS account and region.
oc create -f sample.buildconfig.yaml
- Optional cleanup for testing purposes
If you'd like to delete the artifacts created in step 3 or 4 in a new project, you can run the following:
oc delete secret ecr-creds-rotator-secret
oc delete cm ecr-creds-rotator-cm
oc delete cronjob ecr-creds-rotator
oc delete role role-update-secrets
oc delete rolebinding ecr-creds-rotator-rolebinding
oc delete sa ecr-creds-rotator-sa
oc delete secret ecr-secret
Kevin Chung