Note: This directive's scope values have changed as of v0.1.0 to better match the object structure used by DataMaps.
Provides an Angular directive to wrap and easily build data maps in your Angular application.
- Automatically updates on changes to bound data and options
- onClick events integrate with your parent controllers
- Evaluates plugins passed to the directive
- Easily toggle zoom functionality
- Documentation for available options can be found at
Install with npm and save to your project's package.json
npm install angular-datamaps --save
Install with bower and save to your project's bower.json
bower install angular-datamaps --save
Add the module to your app dependencies and include it in your page.
angular.module('app', [
Load DataMaps and the two libraries DataMaps depends on (d3 and topojson).
<script src="d3.js"></script>
<script src="topojson.js"></script>
<script src="datamaps.all.js"></script>
<script src="angular-datamaps.js"></script>
Add a map configuration object to your scope to bind to the directive
$scope.mapObject = {
scope: 'usa',
options: {
width: 1110,
legendHeight: 60 // optionally set the padding for the legend
geographyConfig: {
highlighBorderColor: '#EAA9A8',
highlighBorderWidth: 2
fills: {
'HIGH': '#CC4731',
'MEDIUM': '#306596',
'LOW': '#667FAF',
'defaultFill': '#DDDDDD'
data: {
"AZ": {
"fillKey": "MEDIUM",
"CO": {
"fillKey": "HIGH",
"DE": {
"fillKey": "LOW",
"GA": {
"fillKey": "MEDIUM",
The DataMaps click event can trigger a bound function with the clicked geography object. just add your custom function to the on-click
attribute, like this (notice there are no parenthesis):
Then in your controller, that function gets the selected geography object as it's argument, like so:
$scope.updateActiveGeography = function(geography) {
$scope.stateName =;
$scope.stateCode =;
Set the zoomable
attribute to toggle a simple zoom on the map.
Bind the built-in Datamaps responsive methods by setting $scope.mapObject.responsive = true
Set options.staticGeoData = true
to allow the map to update with only updateChoropleth
. Update choropleth only works if updating is all we're doing. If geographies are added or removed from data, we have to redraw the map, so use this to explicitly say whether or not the directive can update choropleth mappings only.
You may add plugins that will be evaluated by the DataMaps plugin system in order to extend the labels or legend, for example. Use it by providing an object with plugin functions keyed by name.
Data may be supplied to plugins through the plugin-data
. This should be an object with keys corresponding to plugin names.
If you would like to pass data into a core Datamaps plugin, be sure to include an empty entry for the plugin in the plugin
object. This will ensure that gets processed. Datamaps won't override a plugin that is already defined.
$scope.mapObject = mapObject;
$scope.mapPlugins = {
bubbles: null,
customLegend: function(layer, data, options) {
var html = ['<ul class="list-inline">'],
label = '';
for (var fillKey in this.options.fills) {
html.push('<li class="key" ',
'style="border-top: 10px solid ' + this.options.fills[fillKey] + '">',
.attr('class', 'datamaps-legend')
$scope.mapPluginData = {
bubbles: [{name: 'Bubble 1', latitude: 21.32, longitude: -7.32, radius: 45, fillKey: 'gt500'}]
angular-datamaps is built with grunt.
To run a simple connect server to see the directive in action or to develop
grunt dev
To run the tests
grunt test
or run in autotest mode
grunt autotest
And when you're done minify it
grunt build