This repo was migrated to
Harvest Time tracking and reporting API implementation
There is an example yaml that shows how to set up every kind of integration.
Create virtual env
pipenv shell
Install Testing + Doc dependencies
pipenv install -e .[tests,docs] --dev --skip-lock
cd docsrc && make github
This will host the docs locally on 8000:
cd PROJECT_ROOT && python -m http.server
To test, you will need the following environment variables set: "BEARER_TOKEN" = <REQUIRED as env var or in GCP Secret Manager, Harvest API token> "SENDGRID_API_KEY" = <REQUIRED as env var or in GCP Secret Manager, Sendgrid API key>
"GCP_PROJECT" = <REQUIRED, GCP project where the application is running> "HARVEST_ACCOUNT_ID" = <REQUIRED, harvest account id> "ORIGIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS" = <REQUIRED, Valid email address>
"LOG_LEVEL" = <OPTIONAL, Logging level, defaults to info
"CONFIG_PATH" = <OPTIONAL, Configuration file to use, defaults to config/clients.yaml