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The React client side code for the school database rest-api application. The full stack application provides a way for users to interact with the database.

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School Database

A full-stack application for managing a school database. Users can browse, create, update, and delete courses while ensuring secure access through authentication.


  • Course Management: View all courses, access course details, and perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) on courses.
  • User Authentication: Register and log in users with secure password encryption.
  • Responsive Design: A user-friendly interface that works seamlessly across devices.

Technologies Used


  • React.js: For building the user interface.
  • React Router: For client-side routing.
  • React Context API: For state management.
  • CSS: For styling the application.


  • Node.js: Backend runtime environment.
  • Express.js: Framework for building the REST API.
  • SQLite: Lightweight relational database.
  • Sequelize ORM: Database modeling and query handling.
  • bcrypt: For password hashing and authentication.
  • nodemon: For automatic server restarts during development.



Ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • npm or yarn


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd full-stack-app
  2. Install dependencies for both frontend and backend:
    cd api
    npm install
    cd ../client
    npm install
  3. Seed the database (Backend): Navigate to the api folder and run:
    npm run seed
  4. Start the backend server:
    cd api
    npm start
  5. Start the frontend development server:
    cd client
    npm run dev
  6. Open your browser and navigate to the local development URL provided by Vite.

Project Structure

The project is organized into two main sections: the API and the client, representing the backend and frontend of the application. Below is the complete structure of the project:

├── api/ # Backend code and configurations 
│ ├── config/ # Configuration files 
│ │ └── config.json # Database configuration 
│ ├── migrations/ # Sequelize migration files 
│ │ ├── 20240705131034-create-user.js 
│ │ └── 20240705131247-create-course.js 
│ ├── models/ # Sequelize models 
│ │ ├── course.js 
│ │ ├── index.js 
│ │ └── user.js 
│ ├── seed/ # Database seeding files 
│ │ ├── context.js 
│ │ ├── data.json 
│ │ ├── database.js 
│ │ └── index.js 
│ ├── app.js # Main backend application file 
│ ├── fsjstd-restapi.db # SQLite database file 
│ ├── nodemon.json # Nodemon configuration 
│ ├── package-lock.json # Dependency lock file 
│ ├── package.json # Dependency manifest 
│ ├── .gitignore # Git ignore rules for the backend
│ ├── # Backend README 
│ ├── RESTAPI.postman_collection.json # API collection for testing 
│ └── tests.http # HTTP test scripts 
├── client/ # Frontend code 
│ ├── public/ # Static assets 
│ │ └── vite.svg 
│ ├── src/ # Application source files 
│ │ ├── components/ # React components 
│ │ │ ├── CourseDetail.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── Courses.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── CreateCourse.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── Forbidden.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── Header.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── NotFound.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── PrivateRoute.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── UnhandledError.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── UpdateCourse.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── UserSignIn.jsx 
│ │ │ ├── UserSignUp.jsx 
│ │ │ └── ValidationErrors.jsx 
│ │ ├── context/ # Context for state management 
│ │ │ ├── AuthContext.jsx 
│ │ │ └── useAuth.jsx 
│ │ ├── styles/ # CSS files 
│ │ │ ├── global.css 
│ │ │ └── reset.css 
│ │ ├── App.jsx # Main React component 
│ │ └── main.jsx # Entry point for the React app 
│ ├── index.html # Entry point HTML file 
│ ├── package-lock.json # Dependency lock file 
│ ├── package.json # Dependency manifest 
│ ├── .eslintrc.cjs # ESLint configuration 
│ ├── .gitignore # Git ignore rules for the frontend
│ ├── vite.config.js # Vite configuration 
│ └── # Frontend README 
├── node_modules/ # Project dependencies (auto-generated) 
├── .gitignore # Git ignore rules for the entire project
└── # Project README


  • The API folder contains all backend-related files, including database models, configurations, and migrations.
  • The Client folder contains the frontend React application, with components, styles, and context for state management.
  • The root directory includes shared configuration files and this main project README.

API Documentation

The backend provides a RESTful API to interact with the school database. The API includes routes for:

  • User authentication
  • Course management (CRUD operations)

You can find detailed API documentation and test collections in the api folder, including:

  • RESTAPI.postman_collection.json: For testing API endpoints in Postman.
  • tests.http: HTTP scripts for endpoint testing.

Development Scripts


  • npm run dev: Start the development server.
  • npm run build: Build the application for production.
  • npm run preview: Preview the production build locally.


  • npm start: Start the backend server.
  • npm run seed: Seed the database with sample data.


  • The backend uses SQLite for development, making it lightweight and portable.
  • Passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt for authentication.
  • The frontend is built with Vite, enabling fast development and optimized builds.


Feel free to fork the repository, submit issues, or make pull requests. Contributions are welcome!


The React client side code for the school database rest-api application. The full stack application provides a way for users to interact with the database.






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