This project is a dynamic, interactive registration form for a conference or event, built using TypeScript. It allows users to register for various activities, choose shirt designs and sizes, and select a payment method, while providing form validation and real-time feedback to the user.
- Basic Info Section: Collects the user's name, email, and job role.
- T-Shirt Info: Allows users to select a T-shirt size and design. Shirt colors are filtered based on the selected design.
- Activity Registration: Users can select one or more activities to attend, with real-time updates on the total cost. Conflicting activities are disabled automatically.
- Payment Info: Supports payment options such as Credit Card, PayPal, and Bitcoin. Fields for credit card payments are validated in real-time.
- Form Validation: Ensures that all required fields are filled out correctly before submission, with hints displayed for invalid inputs.
├── index.html
├── css
│ ├── normalize.css
│ └── style.css
├── img
│ ├── angular.svg # Angular logo
│ ├── build.svg # Tool icon
│ ├── caret.png # Icon for dropdown menus
│ ├── express.svg # Express logo
│ ├── js.svg # JavaScript logo
│ ├── node.svg # NodeJS logo
│ ├── not-valid.svg # Icon for invalid form inputs
│ ├── npm.svg # npm logo
│ ├── react.svg # React logo
│ └── valid.svg # Icon for valid form inputs
├── dist # Compiled JavaScript files
│ ├── app.js
│ ├── FormStructure.js
│ ├── FormInteraction.js
│ └── FormValidation.js
├── ts
│ ├── app.ts
│ ├── FormStructure.ts
│ ├── FormInteraction.ts
│ └── FormValidation.ts
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
Basic Info:
- Name
- Job Role (with conditional "Other" field)
T-Shirt Info:
- T-Shirt Size
- T-Shirt Design (Shirt colors are filtered based on the selected design)
Activity Registration:
- List of available activities, with real-time total cost update
- Conflicting activities are automatically disabled
Payment Info:
- Payment options: Credit Card, PayPal, Bitcoin
- Real-time validation for credit card details (Card Number, Zip Code, CVV)
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd interactive-form
- Compile the TypeScript files:
- Open
in your preferred browser
- Fill out the required fields, including name, email, and activities.
- If you're selecting a job role other that "Other", you can skip the "Other Job Role" input field.
- Based on your selected T-shirt design, you can choose a shirt color.
- Choose at least one activity to register.
- Select a payment method and fill in the appropriate payment details (only credit card details are validated).
- Submit the form. If any fields are invalid, hints will appear to guide you.
- Name: Cannot be empty, only accepts alphabetic characters and spaces.
- Email: Must be in a valid email format (e.g.,
- Activities: At least one activity must be selected.
- Credit Card (if selected): Validates that the card number is 13-16 digits, ZIP code is 5 digits, and CVV is 3 digits.
- Dynamic Error Messaging: Improve error messaging for individual inputs in real time.
- Accessibility Improvements: Add ARIA labels and better keyboard navigation for improved accessibility.
- Backend Intigration: Implement form submission to a backend server for storing registration data.