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A dynamic and intuitive application for managing a library's collection of books.

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SQL Library Manager

A dynamic and intuitive application for managing a library's collection of books, allowing users to add, update, delete, and search for books.


  • Book Management: Easily add, update, delete, and search for books in the library's collection.
  • Pagination: View books with pagination for better browsing.
  • Validation: Ensures required fields are filled when adding or editing books.
  • Search Functionality: Search for books by title, author, genre, or year.
  • Error Handling: User-friendly error messages for invalid input or server issues.

Technologies Used

  • Database: SQLite, Sequelize ORM
  • Templating: Pug
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Server: Express.js
  • Version Control: Git
  • Package Manager: npm

Project Structure

├── bin/
│    └── www                   # HTTP server setup
├── dist/                      # Compiled output files
│    └── ...        
├── migrations/
│    └── <timestamp>-create-book.ts  # Database migration file for books table
├── node_modules/              # Project dependencies
├── public/
│    └── stylesheets/
│         └── style.css        # Styles for the application
├── src/
│    ├── config/
│    │    └── config.example.ts  # Example config for setup
│    ├── models/
│    │    ├── book.ts          # Book model definition
│    │    └── index.ts         # Sequelize model and instance setup
│    ├── routes/
│    │    ├── index.ts         # Routes for book management
│    │    └── users.ts         # Routes for user management
│    └── app.ts                # Main app entry point
├── views/
│    ├── index.pug             # Main page displaying list of books
│    ├── new-book.pug          # Form to add a new book
│    ├── form-error.pug        # Error page for form validation
│    ├── layout.pug            # Layout template for the app
│    └── ...                   # Other Pug templates
├── your-database-name.db      # SQLite database file
├── package.json               # NPM dependencies and scripts
├── tsconfig.json              # TypeScript configuration file               
├── .gitignore                 


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd sql-library-manager
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Set up the configuration file: Copy the example configuration file and adjust settings as needed.

    cp config/config.example.json config/config.json
  5. Set up the database: Run the migrations to set up the SQLite database and create the necessary tables.

    npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
  6. Start the server:

    npm start

    The application will run on http://localhost:3000.


  • View all books:
    Navigate to the root URL (http://localhost:3000) to view the list of books.

  • Add a new book:
    Click the "Add New Book" button, fill in the book details, and submit the form.

  • Edit or delete a book:
    Each book entry has options to update or delete the book.

  • Search for books:
    Use the search form at the top to find books by title, author, genre, or year.

Additional Information

  • Database Configuration: Modify the config/config.json file to specify your database settings.

  • Project Showcase: This project is designed as a demonstration of CRUD functionality and database management. For production usage, additional security and optimization would be recommended.


A dynamic and intuitive application for managing a library's collection of books.






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