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Linear Logic and Recurrent Neural Networks

This is the repository of the paper "Linear Logic and Recurrent Neural Networks" and the associated TensorFlow implementation. This was originally a private personal repo, but since the project has been abandoned since early 2017 I am now making it public (as is! there is no guarantee this even runs on the latest version of TensorFlow). For the theoretical background see the note deepll.pdf.

The aim of the project was to find a sequence-to-sequence task on which one of our models, created with the help of linear logic, substantially outperforms the Neural Turing Machine (NTM). This was a failure, but the implementation of the NTM seems solid and may be useful to someone. A guide to the contents of this repository:

  • /doc logs of iPython notebooks containing results of experiments.
  • /ntm contains the implementation of the NTM and other models in, and the iPython notebook work.ipynb containing the TensorFlow model.
  • /snapshots contains several old versions of the code, explained below.

A good overview of attention and augmented RNNs is this paper by Chris Olah and Shan Carter.

The models that have been implemented so far in ntm/ are

  • The ordinary NTM (NTM).
  • The pattern NTM (PatternNTM) which has two rings. The first is analogous to the ordinary NTM, while the second stores powers that may be used to manipulate the read address of the first ring. There is an interpolation parameter which controls whether the controller directly manipulates the read address of the first ring, or has it manipulated by the contents of the second ring.
  • The multiple pattern NTM (MultPatternNTM) has four rings, with the second and third both acting like the second ring in the pattern NTM, and the fourth ring storing essentially interpolation factors that determine whether to use the power on ring two or three.

We have found no convincing reason to use the multiple pattern NTM, and most of our experiments are a comparison of the ordinary NTM and the pattern NTM.

The tasks that have been implemented in ntm/ include

  • Copy task (as in the NTM paper),
  • Repeat copy task (as in the NTM paper),
  • Pattern tasks 1-5 (defined in Section 4.1 of our paper), which consist of a (fixed) pattern (some sequence of integers) which is applied to all possible strings,
  • Multiple pattern tasks 1-4, which consist of multiple patterns to be applied to a string, where there is some special symbol in the string which instructs the algorithm to switch between patterns,
  • Variable pattern tasks 1-4, where the input is both the pattern to apply and the string to apply it to.

The actual training and testing is done through the Python notebook ntm/work.ipynb. The results of experiments are posted on the spreadsheet (the old version of the spreadsheet is here). There are HTML records of some of the Jupyter sessions, including visualisations of the read and write addresses in the folder /doc.


It seems worth recording some of the decisions that led to the current version of the code, since these decisions reflect the structure of the underlying problem in a way that may not be very well captured by the final result, and this structure is worth remembering. The development has been (somewhat artificially) divided into major versions, as follows. Each major version is memorialised in a Jupyter notebook, e.g. work-v2.ipynb.

  • Version 1 (snapshot 12-3-2017). The aim at this point was to get the models running and converging to a reasonably low error on the Copy, Repeat Copy and Pattern tasks. No attention was paid to generalisation (which here means training on shorter sequences and testing on longer ones). This was successful, and the results are recorded on the spreadsheet. However there were bad choices for the weight initialisations, some mistaken activation functions, and other oversights, all of which meant that v1 completely failed to generalise.

  • Version 2 (snapshot 18-3-2017). This version implemented sharpening, added initial and terminal symbols, fixed the nonlinearities on the add and erase vectors (which were softmax before!), fixed a bug in the calculation of the cross-entropy which led to NaNs. These changes were only implemented for the NTM. These changes led to the model both converging to low error and actually using multiple memory locations (one typical run is captured in doc/work-v2.html). However, the failure to generalise persists.

  • Version 3 (snapshot 19-3-2017). Implemented training on sequences of varying length (the length is constant within a batch) by masking the cross-entropy. Preliminary experiments suggest that this leads to both convergence and very good generalisation of the NTM on the Copy task. The memory focus is sharp and we see read and write address patterns similar to those in the NTM paper. Some example runs are doc/work-v3-1.html, doc/work-v3-2.html, doc/work-v3-3.html. The read and write address over the course of the input/output of one sequence from doc/work-v3-3.html is shown here:

NTM memory usage

The horizontal axis is the position in memory, the vertical axis is the time. This was generated with the hyperparameters N = 30 (so sequences of length 30, including the initial and terminal symbol), num_classes = 10 (so there are 8 content symbols plus the initial and terminal symbols), epoch = 100, with a controller state size 100, memory address space of dimension 128 and content space of dimension 20. The generalisation to sequences of length N = 60 was perfect (i.e. all 0.0). Moreover these properties are all "statistically" robust, in the sense that almost every time we train the network with these hyperparameters, the results are this good.

  • Version 4 (snapshot 26-3-2017). The Pattern NTM has been updated to include sharpening, and the Jupyter notebook now has sensible initialisation for it as well. The Copy, Repeat Copy and Pattern tasks are all implemented. The visualisations were extended to include the second memory ring of the Pattern NTM, and a graph of the mean error during training. Currently the NTM performs well on all tasks (Copy, Repeat Copy, Pattern). The Pattern NTM, as described in the paper, is completely broken, but it seems to work when we add an interpolation between the NTM controlling the read address of the first memory ring directly (as in the standard NTM) and the NTM controlling this address only indirectly through the second memory ring (as in the paper version of the Pattern NTM).

  • Version 5 (snapshot 3-4-2017). Some small changes. We tried hard sigmoid but eventually abandoned it as not making much difference. WARNING: Actually v5 has a stupid bug in the Pattern NTM, where the add vector is always generated without a nonlinearity, and the second memory ring is not used at all.

  • Version 6 (snapshot 9-4-2017). Implemented Multiple Pattern task. It looks like the NTM consistently fails to do well on this task, but the Multiple Pattern NTM (while it still struggles) does sometimes get close to a reasonable algorithm. See doc/multpattern1/work-babbage-mult_pattern_ntm.html for example.

  • Version 7 (snapshot 14-4-2017). Changed the way softmax is used in the Multiple Pattern NTM controller. It is now applied to the memory before contraction with the read address. In work.ipynb we now plot the softmax of the memory contents. In all controllers we fixed the way the erase vector is computed (before this version it was not using the write address). The default of all memory rings except the first is to be a vector (1.0,0.0,...) which under softmax gives a distribution emphasising the identity operator. Changed the default size of the memory address spaces for the Multiple Pattern NTM.

  • Version 8 (snapshot 17-4-2017). Added task Multiple Pattern 3, added some basic curriculum learning and improved the logging output. General cleanups. Overall the performance of the controllers and tasks should be the same as v7, but we did fix several bugs in f_multpattern which may make it easier to learn.

  • Version 9 (snapshot 19-4-2017). Fixed some small things in the Pattern NTM. Increased the minimum sequence length to 7 on all tasks (so 5 content symbols plus initial and terminal). In all controllers we are now updating the memory using the current write address, rather than the previous write address as we had been doing. That is, we now match the original NTM paper.

  • Version 10 (snapshot 20-4-2017). Fixed the masking of sequences by having terminal symbols instead of zeros in the encoded output. This to much better performance of all controllers on all tasks; we can basically ignore the previous runs on Multiple Pattern tasks, for example.

  • Version 11 (snapshot 26-4-2017). Added Variable Pattern tasks 1 and 2.

  • Version 12 (snapshot 16-5-2017). Various small changes. This version was created as a prelude to the major changes in Version 13.

On 22-July we deleted all hosts except for Tesla and Turing.

Remarks on tasks

Here we collect some remarks on the algorithms learned by the models to solve the various tasks.

  • NTM on Copy task. Essentially all the converging models learned the same algorithm: writing to the memory and advancing one position in each time step, with a read address which stays fixed until the end of the input sequence and then starts to advance through the memory. Note that some models worked forward (i.e. increasing the read and write addresses) while others worked backwards.

  • NTM on Repeat copy task. Again all models learned a similar algorithm. The input sequence is written to memory as for the Copy task (i.e. advancing one position in each time step) and the read address is manipulated to pause at each position for one time step (see e.g. doc/repeat copy task/work-tesla.html).


See Raffel, Luong, Liu, Weiss, Eck "Online and linear-time attention by enforcing monotonic alignments" Section 2.5 about encouraging discreteness by adding noise before sigmoids. We could try doing the softmax on memory entries before contracting with the read address. If we are reading the content of the memory rings as logits, then initialising them to zero is a mistake. It will have the effect of blurring out the read address. Note also that the "add vector" in this case becomes a multiplicative factor (since we are adding to the logit). This is all quite strange.

Some lessons learned

  • We default to controller_state_size = 100 in all our experiments now. In the beginning we tried 50 or even 30 but the models often failed to converge, and this is not allowing us to really distinguish the NTM and Pattern NTM. This is also the same dimension as the controller in the original NTM paper.

  • RMSProp is much better than Adam

  • All weights are initialised with the default glorot_uniform_initializer (see the TensorFlow docs) and biases are initialised to zero. For more on initialisation see here and here.

  • Allowing the NTM to access more powers of the rotation matrix blurs the read and write addresses but doesn't help with convergence or generalisation

  • Without sharpening we got convergence but no generalisation (why?)

  • Training on sequences of varying length really helps to teach the controller to use the memory (why?)

  • Making the memory size much bigger than the sequence, and increasing the size of the sequences, helps to force the controller to use the memory (over its internal memory)

  • A naive application of tf.log to the output of tf.softmax can lead to NaNs.

  • When training on sequences of varying length, it works better when you have a whole batch of a fixed length, rather than mixed batches.

Setting up TensorFlow on AWS

Following the instructions here for the AWS Deep Learning AMI with Ubuntu. Our current machines are

Name        Type        Port    vCPU    Mem     Price   
[Tesla]     p2.xlarge	8880    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Frege]     g2.2xlarge	8881    8       60 SSD	$0.65 per Hour
[Leibniz]   g2.2xlarge	8882    8       60 SSD	$0.65 per Hour
[Turing]    p2.xlarge	8883    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Wiener]    p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Neumann]   p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Church]    p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Godel]     p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Bengio]    p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Feynman]   p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Boole]     p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour
[Babbage]   p2.xlarge	8884    4       61      $0.9 per Hour

Here the "Port" denotes the port that we should use when creating an ssh tunnel to the remote server, in order to run Jupyter. That is, you should connect to the server with Port <Port> and IP <IP> using

ssh -L localhost:<Port>:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@<IP>

For convenience of cut and paste here are the commands expanded in each case:

[Tesla]   ssh -L localhost:8880:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem
[Frege]   ssh -L localhost:8881:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Leibniz] ssh -L localhost:8882:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Turing]  ssh -L localhost:8883:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Wiener]  ssh -L localhost:8884:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Neumann] ssh -L localhost:8885:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Church]  ssh -L localhost:8886:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Godel]   ssh -L localhost:8887:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Bengio]  ssh -L localhost:8889:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Feynman] ssh -L localhost:8870:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Boole]   ssh -L localhost:8871:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@
[Babbage] ssh -L localhost:8872:localhost:8888 -i Virginia.pem ubuntu@

Actually the servers now run Jupyter headless, so you can access them from a Browser using the URL https://IP-address:8888.

To verify that the GPUs are actually being used by TensorFlow within your Jupyter session, run the code here. Note that the output they describe there will appear in the Jupyter log not in your notebook. What we see for the p2.xlarge machines is

name: Tesla K80
major: 3 minor: 7 memoryClockRate (GHz) 0.8235
pciBusID 0000:00:1e.0
Total memory: 11.17GiB

The other g2.2xlarge machines have

name: GRID K520
major: 3 minor: 0 memoryClockRate (GHz) 0.797
pciBusID 0000:00:03.0
Total memory: 3.94GiB
Free memory: 3.91GiB

See these instructions for adding more persistent disk, and these for granting other AWS accounts access to your instances.


The instructions are here. You can launch TensorBoard with tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log-directory and then navigate to localhost:6006.

Upgrading TensorFlow 0.12 to 1.0

UPDATE: the new Deep Learning AMI v1.2 has Tensorflow v1.0, so the following instructions are no longer necessary.

The problem with the Deep Learning AMI is that it has TensorFlow v0.12 installed, and we want v1.0 (particularly for tf.tensordot). That means we have to upgrade. First install CUDA 0.8 by running (from here)

sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local_8.0.44-1_amd64-deb
rm cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-8-0-local_8.0.44-1_amd64-deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cuda

Then add the following to ~/.profile and run source ~/.profile

export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda
export PATH=$PATH:$CUDA_ROOT/bin

Then follow the pip upgrade instructions on the TensorFlow webpage by running

sudo pip uninstall tensorflow
sudo pip install tensorflow-gpu

Then follow the instructions on the TensorFlow webpage to check the GPU is working. Then run jupyter notebook as usual. To open the server to the outside world follow the instructions here, which amount to the following:

cd ~/.jupyter
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mykey.key -out mycert.pem
cp /home/ubuntu/data/deeplinearlogic/ .

Finally, put the line

su ubuntu -c "/usr/local/bin/jupyter notebook&"

into your /etc/rc.local. All p2.xlarge machines have been upgraded.

Notes on other implementations

The most robust implementation we are aware of is NTM-Lasagne for which see this blog post and the GitHub repository. It is written for Theano. There is also carpedm20 which we have looked at less. Essentially we confirmed that the NTM-Lasagne implementation makes the same initialisation choices that we made on our own, which the exception of the controller internal state. The following remarks pertain entirely to NTM-Lasagne.

Some general notes: they train the Copy task on num_classes = 256 + 1 that is, an alphabet of 256 symbols plus a terminal symbol, and on sequences of length N = 5. The allowed rotations of the read and write addresses default to 3, i.e. [-1,0,1]. The final output layer uses a sigmoid.

Note that the actual calculation of the weights (including sharpening) takes place in the function get_weights of They train on about 1000000 samples.

Read and write addresses

From we see that init.OneHot contains

def sample(self, shape):
M = np.min(shape)
arr = np.zeros(shape)
arr[:M,:M] += 1 * np.eye(M)
return arr

From > class Head > self.weights_init we see that the weight of a generic head is initialised using init.OneHot( self, (1, self.memory_shape[0]) ) so M = 1 and therefore the return value of init.OneHot will be a tensor of shape [1, self.memory_shape[0] ] with value (1,0,0,...). That is, all read and write heads are by default initialised to be sharply focused at the zero position of the memory. This is not subject to learning (i.e. the initialisation vector is not a weight vector).

Memory state

Memory shapes default to (128,20) and are intialised according to the initialisation is a weight vector with memory_init=lasagne.init.Constant(1e-6).

Controller internal state

The recurrent controller is the class RecurrentController in and is initialised using lasagne.init.GlorotUniform with no parameter. For the details of this initialiser in Theano see here. The evolution equation uses lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify. Note that the nonlinearity defaults are defined in but you really need to check to verify that these defaults are not overwritten (they are not, in this case).

Recurrent matrices H, U, B

In the notation of their library these weight matrices are respectively W_hid_to_hid, W_in_to_hid and b_hid_to_hid. See the definition of the class RecurrentController. The initialisers are respectively GlorotUniform(), GlorotUniform() and Constant(0.0).

Weights and biases for s, q, e, a and gamma

Both of s,q are described in class Head of and the relevant weights are W_hid_to_shift and b_hid_to_shift. The former is initialised with GlorotUniform() and the latter with Constant(0.0). The nonlinearity is lasagne.nonlinearities.softmax.

The weight and bias for e, a are given in class WriteHead of the same file. In both cases, the weights are GlorotUniform() and the biases are Contant(0.0). Similarly for gamma. The nonlinearities are respectively

Erase:  nonlinearities.hard_sigmoid
Add:    nonlinearities.ClippedLinear(low=0., high=1.)
Gamma:  lambda x: 1. + lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify(x)

Note that hard_sigmoid and ClippedLinear are defined in The former is theano.tensor.nnet.hard_sigmoid and ClippedLinear is theano.tensor.clip(x, low, high). See this Theano page for details: hard sigmoid is just a piecewise linear ReLu like approximation to the sigmoid, whereas clip just does what it says: it is like the ReLu but where values of x >= 1 are sent to 1.

NOTE in the nonlinearity default for the add vector (given above) is overridden with lasagne.nonlinearities.rectify.


See utils/ and examples/ The Copy task uses size = 8 and length 5 which in utils/ means that we uniformly sample from the set of sequences of length 5 in the set {0,1}^8. This set has 2^8 = 256 elements.



Deep learning and linear logic






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