Easily transform your own content into EPUB files for reading on ereaders and book apps.
// Step 1: Get your data from somewhere
$chapters = [
// Title => Content; Content can be anything, as long as it's valid xhtml when added to a <body>
"The Early Years" => "<h1>The Early Years</h1><p>I was youg and naive (...)"
. "and that's how I ended up with my best friend.</p>",
"The One that Got Away" => "<h1>The One that Got Away</h1><p>A lot of people have one,"
. "(...) I still wonder sometimes, what if...</p>",
"Death and After" => "<h1>Death and After</h1><p>When I die (...) and that's that.</p>",
$lastModified = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(DATE_ATOM, "2024-09-16T05:31:42+02:00");
// Step 2: Pass your data into an EpubBuilder and ->build() it
$epub = (new \DMvdBrugge\EpubBuilder\EpubBuilder())
->author("Me! Or You!")
->description("Life Stories to Learn From; or Not. You decide! This is the story of my life.")
->isbn("0-553-10354-7") // Not required but should be valid when provided
->identifier("my-awesome-website.com:book:9371") // Optional when ISBN provided
->language("en") // IETF language tag
->publisher("My Awesome Website")
->title("Life Stories to Learn From; or Not.")
// Step 3: Save somewhere...
copy($epub->getFileOnDisk(), "/home/user/books/{$epub->getFileName()}");
// ...or offer as download
// - Example 1: direct output
foreach ($epub->getHttpHeaders() as $header => $value) {
header("{$header}: {$value}");
// - Example 2: PSR-7 (f.e. Slim, $response exists)
foreach ($epub->getHttpHeaders() as $header => $value) {
$response = $response->withHeader($header, $value);
$response = $response->withBody(new \Slim\Psr7\Stream($epub->getFileHandle()));
// Step 4: Go read your new EPUB
Installation is just a composer call away.
composer require dmvdbrugge/epub-builder
Notable requirements: ext-zip
, in the future probably also ext-simplexml
to ensure valid xhtml.
As with any composer project, composer.json has the full requirements.
Full documentation, among other things, is still TODO.
Copyright (c) 2024 Dave van der Brugge