✨ Features
Forms: add showConfirmDialog
to Iterate.RemoveButton (#4330 ) (76bddf0 )
Forms: add variant="filled"
and toolbarVariant="custom"
to Iterate.EditContainer and Iterate.ViewContainer (#4329 ) (b2b9eef )
Forms: add support for using a function references instead of a string based id (#4331 ) (a6e3bc3 )
Forms: enhance typing and add docs on how to deal with TypeScript types (#4343 ) (10b199b )
Forms: introduce decoupleForm
prop to Form.Handler (#4332 ) (0b02b6e )
🐛 Bug Fixes
DatePicker: make sure the picker and input only reacts to the props that have changed (#4342 ) (4cd52a3 )
Forms.Card: remove outline when variant="basic" on Section containers when used in Wizard (#4336 ) (ebad212 )
forms: add sessionStorageId
support to Field.Upload with empty file list rendering (#4339 ) (d02a0af )
NumberFormat: improve regex for parsing phone numbers with country codes (#4340 ) (96613ed ), closes #4337
You can’t perform that action at this time.