The application demonstrates microservice architecture that uses Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS components to achieve common patterns such as loadbalancing, high availability and etc.
Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS
- Spring Boot v_1.5.6
- Spring Cloud v_Camden.SR5
- Discovery server - Eureka
- Config server
- API Gateway - Zuul
- Circuit Breaker - Hystrix, Hystrix Dashboard
- Spring Retry
- Sleuth, Zipkin - for tracing requests
- Feign
- OAuth2.0
- Logback
- Graylog
- Swagger v_2.6.1 for testing and documentation purposes
There are 2 options:
- You can use STS to start each application as a Spring Boot App
- You can pacakge each application to a jar file and after that start it from the command line with java -jar JAR_NAME.jar
Order of projects
- Start Discovery service
- Start Config service
- Start all other services
- Start API Gateway as the last service
- You must obtain valid token from the authentication service. To obtain the token invoke the oath/token endpoint with payload: URL= http://localhost:8080/auth-mservice/oauth/token Header= Authorization: Basic ZGVuaXM6c2VjcmV0 (Basic authentication credentials username=denis, password=secret) Payload= grant_type=password&
- Copy your token
- Call member service with the saved token URL= http://localhost:8080/team-mservice/members Header= Authorization: Bearer 9e9be35c-0bf7-424e-b3c4-108ccf842a7c
- Optional If you want to test the external service copy team member id and invoke joke endpoint URL= http://localhost:8080/team-mservice/members/296/joke Header= Authorization: Bearer 9e9be35c-0bf7-424e-b3c4-108ccf842a7c