- UI automation testing framework designed with playwrite/test. Contains multiple projects cover different scenarios
- _project-organic-shop-site-tests - e2e tests foo Organic shop test site "https://agular-test-shop-cb70d.firebaseapp.com/"
- _project-rest-api-tests - just sample for Rest API requests
- _project-test-automation-site-tests - Specific component practice tests project based on "https://qa-automation-test-site.firebaseapp.com/"
- _project-herokuapp-components-tests - Very complex component practice tests project based on "https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/"
- Node should be installed: https://nodejs.org/en/download
- Open root folder in CMD and type command "npm install" or "npm i"
- npm install -D @playwright/test@latest
- npm install -g agentql-cli
- Navigate project you tests you want to run e.g "cd _project-test-automation-site-tests"
- There are several ways how you can run the tests
- Run all tests from CMD/Terminal - "npx playwright test"
- Run specific test from CMD/Terminal - "npx playwright test -g "<test_name>"
- Open UI mode to run the tests from CMD/Terminal - "npx playwright test --ui"
- Install "Playwright Test for VSCode" extension and select the tests you want to run
Note: Powershell script inside of each project runs specific test
- Get version - "npx @playwright/test --version"
- Update to latest version - "npm install @playwright/test@latest"
- Download new browsers - "npx playwright install"
- Update to specific version - "npm install @playwright/test@1.26"
- Run plauwright UI mode - "npx playwright test --ui"
Note: A lot of the scripts available in package.json. Just run command "npm run <script_name>"
- Docker and docker-compose should be installed on the machine
- Dockerfile and docker compose located in the root of the repo
- On Windows, it is easier run PowerShell script "run-herokua-tests-docker.ps1"