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Dnero Blockchain Explorer

The Dnero Blockchain Explorer project contains a frontend web application for the Dnero explorer, a backend api application to provide data to the frontend, and a blockchain data crawler to download data from the blockchain.

Please click here to see the Dnero Blockchain Explorer in action.

Blockchain Data Crawler


The job of blockchain data crawler is to download and convert the blockchain data to a format more friendly for blockchain data exploration. In our current implementation, it uses a NoSQL database MongoDB to store the converted data. Thus we need to install MongoDB first. Below is the instruction to install MongoDB on Ubuntu Linux. For more information on installing MongoDB on different systems, please check here.

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] bionic/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

To start MongoDB, use following command.

sudo systemctl start mongod

After starting MongoDB, we can setup the config for crawler with the following commands.

cd backend/crawler
npm install
mv config.cfg.template config.cfg

Now the config.cfg file is created, change blockchain.startHeight in config file to the snapshot height on the dnero node. After setting the config file and start height, we can run crawler using this command.

node run.js

Now the crawler starts to read the data from blockchain, perform necessary transformation, and stores the converted data in the database. Next we can launch the backend API microservice, and the frontend application microservice following the procedure below.

Backend API Application


cd backend/explorer-api
npm install
mv config.cfg.template config.cfg
node run

Now the explorer API application is running at https://localhost:7554

Frontend Web Application


cd frontend
npm install
mv src/config.js.template src/config.js


npm run dev
gulp (in a new console window)

Gulp will tell you where to view the webpage for Live Reloading and automatically open a browser pointing there. (It proxies the original server in order to enable the live reloading) It should be https://localhost:3000. Any changes you make to scss or js files should be automatically refreshed in the browser.

To skip Live reloading:

gulp nosync

Then browse to the node server directly at: https://localhost:4000

Other Gulp tasks:

gulp build-js
gulp build-sass
gulp clean
gulp watch


The Dnero Blockchain Explorer reference implementation is licensed under the MIT License.


Dnerochain Block Explorer Frontend v2







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