This module can be used to perform adaptive umbrella sampling of a multi-dimensional potential of mean force. The algorithm involves::
- calculate the free energy landscape
- Among existing windows, select windows with E < E_max
- For each selected window, generate 3^N-1 neighbor windows
- Sample new windows, then go to 1) or stop if no new windows can be found
For more details about the algorithm, see
Self-Learning Adaptive Umbrella Sampling Method for the Determination of Free Energy Landscapes in Multiple Dimensions (Wojtas-Niziurski, Meng, Roux, Bernèche, 2013) (
Adaptiveumbrella supports python version 3.4+ and can be installed via pip or manually:
pip install --user git+
git clone
cd adaptiveumbrella
python install --user
Implement the UmbrellaRunner class according to your needs:
from adaptiveumbrella.runner import UmbrellaRunner
class MyUmbrellaRunner(UmbrellaRunner):
within the class we need to define two methods. First we have to define how the simulation windows should be sampled:
def simulate_frames(self, lambdas, frames):
""" Run simulations for all passed lambda steps. `lambdas` is a dictionary where each key
is a tuple of coordinates in the phase space and each value are the lambda values of the root
from which this frame should be created. `frames` is an identical dict, but with indeces of the pmf
numpy array defining the phase space """
then, we have to implement a method that updates the pmf:
def calculate_new_pmf(self):
""" This is called after `simulate_frames` and should calculate the new PMF. return value must be a numpy
array of similar dimensions then the lambda states."""
Finally, we can instantiate the class, pass the configuration variables and start the simulations:
runner = MyUmbrellaRunner()
# 2 dimensional phase space ranging from -3 to 3 in both dimensions
# lambda spacing is 0.2 in x and y
runner.cvs = np.array([
(-3, 3, 0.2),
(-3, 3, 0.2),
# initial lambda coordinates
runner.cvs_init = (1.4, -1.4)
# initial energy for finding new frames
runner.E_min = 10
# max. energy before sampling stops
runner.E_max = 100
# energy change between steps
runner.E_incr = 10
# max. number of iterations before stopping
runner.max_iterations = 100
# let's go