Release Notes
We'd like to first thank everyone from the community who has submitted pull requests or reported issues. A grand total of 2 pull requests by 2 contributors were processed for this release.
Noteworthy Changes in v9.4.4
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a regression issue where MVC modules could have a memory leak issue. Thanks @jsbsantos for the clear steps to reproduce and @ahoefling for the fix. #3369
List of Contributors
- Andrew Hoefling @ahoefling (fix)
- Daniel Valadas @valadas (release management)
- Mariëtte Knap @marietteknap (testing)
Additional Resources.
Is this your first time installing or upgrading DNN? If so, you can find some help with the installation and upgrade wiki articles. If this is your 100th time upgrading DNN, maybe review the guides and submit a few changes!