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How To Install To External Drive

stipton7960 edited this page May 7, 2020 · 18 revisions

Just a simple tutorial to install A Chroot environment to USB or SD card

  • Step 1 - Format SD/USB

Open up ¨Crosh¨ by pressing ctrl+alt+t. (durr)

crosh> shell

chronos@localhost / $ sudo su

# fdisk -l


# umount /dev/sdb1 or unmount your removable media in the GUI.

# mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1

**NOTE: replace /dev/sdb1 with the listed name of the external drive. **

The system will automatically rename your sd card to: SD Card

NOTE: If you are using a usb drive the system will rename your usb drive to USB Drive.

You can also use this resource to help you as well. (This way is harder and more complex.)

  • Step 2 - Super Simple

Unplug and plug back in your removable storage.

  • Step 3 - Installation

Download a fresh installer from:
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 ~/Downloads/crouton
sudo crouton -t ENVIRONMENT, xiwi -p '/media/removable/SD Card'

Replace ENVIRONMENT with the desktop environment that you wish to install. If you wish to install crouton without the Web Store attachment, just take out xiwi, when installing.

NOTE: If at any point it outputs something along the lines of: /media/removable/SD/... is not a valid prefix Then you need to add a backslash after SD in SD CARD This is to tell the computer that there is a space and not just the end of the folder name. Ex: /media/removable/SD\ Card/...

  • Step 4 - How To Run External Chroot

cd /media/removable/SD\ Card/bin

sudo sh startunity

HELP! It died and I need to clear the carcass.

sudo rm -r '/media/removable/SD Card/chroots/DISTRO'

Replace DISTRO with whatever name of installation (wheezy, jessie, stretch, buster, sid, Kali-Rolling, trusty, and xenial.) NOTE: there are other versions however, they may require extra effort to get them working.

  • Tip

Some external media will disappear after system suspend, prevent that by disabling power management or installing Keep Awake

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