A GraphQL endpoint for WordPress
Exposes a graph ql endpoint at /graphql
This is a work in progress / in active development, but already pretty useful. Read only access currently.
Uses this excellent graphql-php library.
composer require thefold/graphql-wp
The best way to explore / develop with this is by using a tool such as ChromeiQL That will show you the endpoints and arguments that are available.
###wp_query This is designed to follow WordPress' existing WP Query functions. So as a rule you can pass the same parameters as your can to WP Query*.
*In reality there are a lot of params you can pass to WP_Query, and I've only implemented the ones that I've needed so far. But adding more is trivial as the arguments are just passed directly to the get_posts function, so its just a matter of defining them in the schema.
wp_query {
posts(paged: 1 posts_per_page: 10) {
terms (taxonomy:\"category\") {
Will give you
"data": {
"wp_query": {
"posts": [
"title": "Much better than REST",
"name": "so-easy-yes"
"terms": [
"name": "Example Category ",
"slug": "example-category"
} ...
Also available on wp_query menu
"{ wp_query
{ menu(name: \"Main Menu\") {
Will give you
"data": {
"wp_query": {
"menu": [
"title": "Home",
"url": "http://graphqlwordpress.dev/"
And of course you can get an individual post ( but most of the time you'll probably use wp_query as your main entry point )
{"query":"{wp_post(ID:\"1\") { title, content, status }}"}
###Custom Post Types
This is how I'm adding custom post types ( which have custom fields ) to my client specific plugin.
graphql-wp/get_post_types is a good hook for this ( there are other hooks, check the source, I'll endeavour to document them soon )
Where $types
is a hash of the schema we are working with, so just add new items into this and you are good to go.
add_filter('graphql-wp/get_post_types', function($types, $WPSchema) {
$types[self::TYPE] = [
'name' => 'Artist',
'description' => 'A custom post type example',
'fields' => [
'website' => [
'type' => Type::string(),
'resolve' => function($post) {
return get_field('website',$post->ID);
'image' => [
'type' => new ACFImage([
'resolve' => function($post) {
return get_field('image',$post->ID);
'news' => [
'type' => function() use ($WPSchema) {
return new ListOfType($WPSchema->getType('post'));
'resolve' => function($post) {
return get_posts([
'connected_type' => self::CONNECTION_NEWS,
'connected_items' => $post,
'nopaging' => true,
'suppress_filters' => false
]) ?: [];
'downloads' => [
'type' => new ListOfType( new ObjectType([
'name' => 'Downloads',
'fields' => [
'file' => [
'type' => new ACFFile(['name'=>'File']),
'resolve' => function($fieldset) {
return $fieldset['file'];
'resolve' => function($post) {
return get_field('downloads',$post->ID) ?: [];
'resolve' => function($post) {
return static::getTourDates($post);
return $types;
},10, 2);