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TLS handshake timeout #1125

DBProductions opened this issue Oct 20, 2015 · 37 comments

TLS handshake timeout #1125

DBProductions opened this issue Oct 20, 2015 · 37 comments


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Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout

Happens all the time (tried four times), I ask myself if it's based on my current location or a common problem. Maybe the government of China is blocking this service because your website is also blocked.
The URI itself is reachable.
Same behaviour with Nginx image but works fine with boot2docker and docker on command line.

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ruandao commented Oct 20, 2015

get similar issue:

 net/http: TLS handshake timeout

I am in China, too.

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ruandao commented Oct 20, 2015

I get the same result when I use Japanese vpn(on aws)

Network timed out while trying to connect to 
You may want to check your internet connection or if you are behind a proxy.

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ruandao commented Oct 20, 2015

my download was success, after i delete previous machine and let Kitematic create a new one:

docker-machine rm default

It was easy get stuck in some layer download, even i kill terminal, and restart pull image.
It just hint this layer was download by another, and will not download it.

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@ruandao Did you take a look at the wiki on setting up a proxy?

Perhaps it can help smooth some of the connection issues.

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Closing due to no further details provided

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Have the same problem in Portugal. I've deleted default machine but the problem persists. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

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@jppmateus did you look at ?

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leowmjw commented Mar 18, 2016

Hit this (from Malaysia) when working with a slightly more complex Docker setup --> openspending/openspending#891

Tried a few time; and each time after it freezes, I have to restart the docker-machine (see steps below) and it continue to works until it fails again. When it fails, it seems like all network operations do not work any further.

Kitematic / docker-machine needs to be more robust to poor network condition and not die; needing a restart.

To fix, followed the steps in moby/moby#16829; but root cause of this "hang" is unknown.

docker-machine restart default
eval $(docker-machine env default)

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I did a "docker logout" and then a "docker login" and reran the command. Problem gone.

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For me a simple "docker logout" (no login afterwards) dit it. Thx @vipulswarup.

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ghost commented Nov 16, 2017

Hi guys, I've a similar issue, this is the error:

ERROR: error pulling image configuration: Get dial tcp i/o timeout

but also I've got TLS handshake timeout too..

Any thoughts about this?

Appreciated in advance.

FYI: I'm on linux environment (ubuntu 14.04)


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I always get the result:TLS handshake timeout

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inonbaguio commented Dec 31, 2017

Thanks @vipulswarup

@bruno-serfe @LinShouGui A simple docker login and docker logout fixed this issue. Should be applicable if you created the machine without first logging in. I believe docker needs to refresh the registries for proper docker push in the future.

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helmesjo commented Feb 6, 2018

The solution @vipulswarup proposed worked for me, even though I was never logged in, and when running docker login I just pressed enter and let it fail (Error: Non-null Username Required)...
#looksfinetome :)

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icbd commented Mar 23, 2018

如果使用SS时遇到此问题, 请在docker里手动设置代理.
screen shot 2018-03-23 at 3 04 37 pm

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DlnZH commented Mar 25, 2018

@icbd ,请问这个代理。。。是您自己架设的吗?需要用代理是因为 大绿墙 吗?

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@DlnZH 只是把端口设置在本机的代理本地端口而已,需要代理的原因大家都知道就没必要说出来了😏

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@menglong2234 能不能不要只 show( off ), 说的详细点可好?

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@icbd 说的详细点可好?

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try dockerhub of Chinese version, it can bypass the tls handshake problem:
$ docker pull myname/myrepo:mytag -->$ docker pull
hope my advice will help you

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notHide commented May 3, 2018

@MarinZhang Thx ! worked

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alitrack commented May 4, 2018

@helmesjo , it works, thanks

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bryan831 commented Jul 7, 2018

for me, i had a stupid mistake. i entered the wrong address for the image.
Hopefully this will help others who might've run into this as well.
i ran docker run instead of docker run continuumio/anaconda and it threw this error.

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korya commented Jul 9, 2018

I started to experience the issue about 2-3 weeks ago. My observation is that if docker fails to push an image to the registry (in my case it is Docker Hub) at some layer, it can keep failing at the same layer. The solution that worked for me is to remove the image and rebuild it from scratch. Note: in my setup, rebuilding an image from scratch always results in a new hash of the generated image.

The error I see:

fccbfa2912f0: Layer already exists
Head net/http: TLS handshake timeout

Docker version:

$ docker version
 Version:      18.05.0-ce
 API version:  1.35 (downgraded from 1.37)
 Go version:   go1.10.2
 Git commit:   f150324
 Built:        unknown-buildtime
 OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64
 Experimental: false
 Orchestrator: swarm

  Version:      18.01.0-ce
  API version:  1.35 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:   go1.9.2
  Git commit:   03596f5
  Built:        Wed Jan 10 20:13:12 2018
  OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
  Experimental: false

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Using a VPN and connecting to another network did the trick.

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jian-mo commented Jan 3, 2019

I'm in China. Using a vpn solved this problem

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To be honest, I resolved this issue with a simple restart of Docker

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For Chinese users, I recommend this setting as follows:

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Hello. I can say how to reproduce it.

rc-service docker stop
docker login
rc-service docker start
buildah/docker push

And you can fix it with:

docker logout
rc-service docker restart
docker login
buildah/docker push

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Or you can disable the TLS handshake!
Step 1: Right click on docker icon in your system tray
Step 2: CLick on Settings -> General
Step 3: Check the box with title: Expose daemon without TLS

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DrPride commented Jan 31, 2020

win 10 pro + docker desktop
logout do solve the problem.

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lunaryan commented Mar 9, 2020

To be honest, I resolved this issue with a simple restart of Docker

Me, too

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try switching your internet connection.

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I did a "docker logout" and then a "docker login" and reran the command. Problem gone.

this work, thx

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I did a "docker logout" and then a "docker login" and reran the command. Problem gone.

it worked for me as well

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nayan2 commented Jun 26, 2020

I was having the same issue. I just configured Manual DNS which is That solves everything for me.

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