This is my personal dotfiles (e.g. .bashrc
, .zshrc
, etc.)
Feel free to use them as is and file pull requests or issues.
And of course, borrow whatever you want!
Clone the
repository as~/.dotfiles
:git clone .dotfiles
rcup && rcup
— This second run picks up changes to the~/.rcrc
file from the first run.
To make changes, customize, or override my files you can create
To get started:
mkdir ~/.dotfiles-custom
cd ~/.dotfiles-custom
git init
NOTE: If you're upgrading from an older version of my dotfiles, you
may need to update your ~/.rcrc
file. Ensure it has
. See
To replace my files, use the same path in the repository.
A lot of config files support local versions.
An incomplete list:
- NeoVim
- Vim
— sourced at the start of the.vimrc
— sourced at the end of the.vimrc
- Git
If you want to store secrets or personal info, you can use
the same way as with ~/.dotfiles-custom
You may or may not want to use git
to store this and you shouldn't
upload it to a public GitHub repository.
Use the tools-update
command. It offers suggestions of other commands
you can run.
$ tools-update --help
Usage:tools-update [updater...]
default updates the dotfiles and runs 'rcup'
all alias for all the commands
alfred alfred configuration files
brew Manage brew via the ~/.Brewfile
docker docker completion files
fonts fonts for macOS
gems Ruby gems
neovim nvim plugins and plugin manager
node-cli Node CLI applications
pip python packages (2 & 3)
rbenv rbenv plugins
terms updates TERM entries for terminfo
tmux tmux plugin manager and plugins
zplug zplug and its plugins
$ tools-update default tmux zplug zsh
Updating dotfiles
∓ Dotfiles
Can't update /Users/docwhat/.dotfiles repository due to changes:
∓ Personal Dotfiles
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
λ7 ./broken-links:7 declare -ar broken=( )
λ7 ./broken-links:17 rm -vf
∓ Tmux Package Manager
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-copycat
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-fpp
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-open
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-pain-control
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-prefix-highlight
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-sensible
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tmux-yank
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
∓ tmux plugin tpm
Already up to date.
Current branch master is up to date.
z updating zplug
[zplug] --self: unknown option
z updating plugins
[zplug] Start to update 0 plugins in parallel
[zplug] Elapsed time: 0.0196 sec.
==> Updating finished successfully!
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zshrc
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/99ibm.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/default_user.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/github.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/homebrew.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/java.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/kube-solo.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/locale.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/macos.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/openstack.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/perl.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/personal.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/python.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/rust.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/ssh.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/zsh.zprofile
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/000zsh.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/00comp.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/ack.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/asdf.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/bash.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/chef.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/docker.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/file.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/fzf.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/golang.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/haskell.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/homebrew.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/macos.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/make.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/node.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/pagers-editors.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/prompt.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/python.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/rust.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/snap.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/terminals.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/tmux.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/z-nodenv.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/z-rbenv.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/zsh.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/startup/zz-last.zshenv
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_docker
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_docker-compose
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_docker-machine
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_gotmux
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_gulp
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_kind
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_kubectl
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_rustup
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_tmutil
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/_tools-update
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/colorize
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/offset
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/prompt_docwhat2_precmd
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/prompt_docwhat2_ruby
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/prompt_docwhat2_schars
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/prompt_docwhat2_setup
zcompile /Users/docwhat/.zsh/functions/prompt_docwhat_setup