cme provides a command to check or edit configuration data with config-model.
cme and Config::Model are quite modular: the configuration data that you can edit depend on the other Config::Model
distributions installed on your system.
For instance, to configure ssh client or sshd server, you need to install Config::Model::OpenSsh.
Then you can check your ssh configuration with this command:
$ cme check ssh
and you can modify it with:
$ cme edit ssh
The wiki contains a list of available models
cme provides several commands. The most important are :
- check
To check the content of the configuration file of an application.
- fix
To fix the warnings of the configuration file.
- edit
To launch cme interactive editor. This editor contains documentation and sanity checks to help user configure correctly their application.
cme user interface can be:
Graphical if Config::Model::TkUI is installed.
a shell-like interface (plain or based on Term::ReadLine).
based on curses if Config::Model::CursesUI is installed.
By default, cme edit
will try to launch a GUI.
See Readme.install.
Perl developers can also build App::Cme from git
Nothing fancy: "Config Model Editor". The idea was to choose a short, easy to remember and available name.
cme man page
config-model wiki (i.e. the wiki tab above)
The list of available models, interfaces and known configuration syntaxes: