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Releases: doekman/osagitfilter

Bug-fix for macOS Big Sur and up

28 Dec 21:03
Choose a tag to compare would fail on macOS Big Sur and up, including macOS Monterey.

To fix, download this release and reset the installation before installing:

./ reset
./ configure

Better handling of non-OSA files

07 Mar 11:30
Choose a tag to compare
  • You now can add non-OSA files. They pass the filter unmodified, and no header will be added;
    • osagetlang now returns - for a non-OSA file
    • the --no-header option is removed
  • Fixed some bugs:
    • Fixed an issue when a file didn't end with a line ending
    • macOS Mojave made osagetlang fail with AppleScript Debugger files

Works pre-Sierra now too

27 Jun 13:18
Choose a tag to compare

osagitfilter now works starting on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. This is mainly because of AppleScript 2.4 requirements, but there also doesn't seem a reason to support earlier systems. The setup now also checks this.

Also fixed a bug related to systems where Satimage's Smile is installed.

Some bugs fixed

21 Jun 16:23
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed two bugs in using osagitfilter without the --log option (you need to re-run
  • Removed the -d/--debug-option

Some bugs fixed

21 Jun 10:35
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed issue #1
  • Fixed a bug in and made it more robust

Some bugs fixed

09 Apr 13:51
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed a bug when the last line isn't empty
  • Fixed a bug when git doesn't have /usr/local/bin in it's PATH environment variable (GitHub Desktop)

First testable version

28 Feb 15:29
Choose a tag to compare

This is the first version that can be used for repositories you are not too dependend on (beta version). Functionality and commands + argument syntax are considered stable. When this version doesn't contain bugs, it will be bumped to v1.0 with inclusion of some more documentation.

First public release

28 Jan 14:11
Choose a tag to compare

This is the first public release of an mechanism to put AppleScript and other OSA-languages into git.