HashGate is an intrusion detection tool that can be used to detect file modifications in a specified directory. Read our blog post about how and why we made it.
hashgate.py [-h] -ca CACHE -f FILES -t {update,check} [-w WHITELIST] [-vt VIRUSTOTALAPIKEY]
The full path to the cache file
-ca CACHE, --cache CACHE
The full path to the files to check
-f FILES, --files FILES
Specify task to perform
-t {update,check}, --task {update,check}
Show this help message and exit
-h, --help
The full path to whitelist file
Specify your VirusTotal API key for checking if modified files have been flagged by VT. (warning: this is slow due to API req limits)
Display Help:
./hashgate.py -h
Check the contents of /directory/example/
./hashgate.py -ca example.cache -f /directory/example -t check
Update the contents of example.cache to the current contents of /directory/example
./hashgate.py -ca example.cache -f /directory/example -t update