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PKI 10.2 Database Upgrade

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 2 revisions


This page describes the process to upgrade a PKI 10.2 database into a PKI 10.3 database.

Upgrading from PKI 10.2.x to PKI 10.3.0

Upgrading Configuration

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/server/share/conf/database.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/server/share/conf/database.ldif
$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/server/share/conf/manager.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/server/share/conf/manager.ldif

There are no required changes.

Upgrading Schema

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/server/share/conf/schema.ldif master:base/server/share/conf/schema.ldif

The schema needs to be updated existing instances.

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( realm-oid NAME 'realm' DESC 'CMS defined attribute' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
delete: objectClasses
objectClasses: ( request-oid NAME 'request' DESC 'CMS defined class' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( requestId $ dateOfCreate $ dateOfModify $ requestState $ requestResult $ requestOwner $ requestAgentGroup $ requestSourceId $ requestType $ requestFlag $ requestError $ userMessages $ adminMessages ) X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
add: objectClasses
objectClasses: ( request-oid NAME 'request' DESC 'CMS defined class' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( requestId $ dateOfCreate $ dateOfModify $ requestState $ requestResult $ requestOwner $ requestAgentGroup $ requestSourceId $ requestType $ requestFlag $ requestError $ userMessages $ adminMessages $ realm ) X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( authorityID-oid NAME 'authorityID' DESC 'Authority ID' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityKeyNickname-oid NAME 'authorityKeyNickname' DESC 'Authority key nickname' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user-defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityParentID-oid NAME 'authorityParentID' DESC 'Authority Parent ID' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityEnabled-oid NAME 'authorityEnabled' DESC 'Authority Enabled' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityDN-oid NAME 'authorityDN' DESC 'Authority DN' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authoritySerial-oid NAME 'authoritySerial' DESC 'Authority certificate serial number' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityParentDN-oid NAME 'authorityParentDN' DESC 'Authority Parent DN' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )
attributeTypes: ( authorityKeyHost-oid NAME 'authorityKeyHost' DESC 'Authority Key Hosts' SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )

dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: objectClasses
objectClasses: ( authority-oid NAME 'authority' DESC 'Certificate Authority' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ authorityID $ authorityKeyNickname $ authorityEnabled $ authorityDN ) MAY ( authoritySerial $ authorityParentID $ authorityParentDN $ authorityKeyHost $ description ) X-ORIGIN 'user defined' )

Upgrading CA Database

Updating container entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/db.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/db.ldif

A new container entry needs to be added into existing instances:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: ou=authorities,ou=ca,dc=ca,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: authorities

Updating ACL entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/acl.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/acl.ldif

The ACL resources need to be updated in existing instances:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: cn=aclResources,dc=ca,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: resourceACLS
resourceACLS:,read:allow (list,read) user="anybody":Anybody may list and read lightweight authorities
resourceACLS:,modify:allow (create,modify) group="Administrators":Administrators may create and modify lightweight authorities
resourceACLS: (delete) group="Administrators":Administrators may delete lightweight authorities

Updating indexes

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/index.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ca/shared/conf/index.ldif

The index needs to be updated in existing instances:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: cn=issuername,cn=index,cn=ca,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsIndex
nsindexType: eq
nsindexType: pres
nsindexType: sub
nsSystemindex: false
cn: issuername

Removing certificate validity delay

Some certificate profiles were modified in Ticket #2424: Certificate validity delay. If the profiles are stored in LDAP (e.g. in IPA) the LDAP profile might need to be updated as well.

Adding issuerName attribute

The certificate records have been modified to store issuer DN in the issuerName attribute. See Ticket #2226: Database upgrade script to add issuerName attribute to all cert entries.

To perform the upgrade automatically:

$ pki-server db-upgrade

To perform the upgrade manually, find the certificate records that do not have an issuerName attribute:

$ ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 \
 -b "ou=certificateRepository,ou=ca,dc=ca,dc=example,dc=com" \
 -s one \
 "(&(objectclass=certificateRecord)(!(issuerName=*)))" dn

For each certificate record returned, execute the following command:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: cn=<serial>,ou=certificateRepository,ou=ca,dc=ca,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: issuerName
issuerName: <issuer>

where <serial> is the certificate’s serial number in decimal, and <issuer> is the certificate’s issuer DN.

Upgrading KRA Database

Updating container entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/db.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/db.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating ACL entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/acl.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/acl.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating indexes

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/index.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/kra/shared/conf/index.ldif

The index needs to be updated in existing instances:

$ ldapmodify -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Secret.123 << EOF
dn: cn=realm,cn=index,cn=kra,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: nsIndex
nsindexType: eq
nsindexType: pres
nsSystemindex: false
cn: realm

Upgrading OCSP Database

Updating container entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/db.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/db.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating ACL entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/acl.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/acl.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating indexes

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/index.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/ocsp/shared/conf/index.ldif

There are no required changes.

Upgrading TKS Database

Updating container entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/db.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/db.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating ACL entries

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/acl.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/acl.ldif

There are no required changes.

Updating indexes

To check for changes in the source code:

$ git diff DOGTAG_10_2_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/index.ldif DOGTAG_10_3_BRANCH:base/tks/shared/conf/index.ldif

There are no required changes.

Upgrading TPS Database

Upgrade not supported.

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