save your daily activities
you should have python3.10 and postgreSQL installed.
create a .env
file like .env.example
and enter your postgreSQL username and password and database name
open your terminal and go to oya-back.
then create a virtual environment:
py -m venv venv
activate the virtual environment using (windows):
install the requirements:
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
if you already have data in database and want to update to the latest version. you can migrate using:
alembic upgrade head
to create a super user, use:
now you can run the server using:
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
you should have nodeJs > v.16.13.0 installed.
install serve and yarn globally using your terminal:
npm install -g yarn serve
open your terminal and go to oya-web.
install the node_modules using
yarn install
to run development server, use
yarn start
to create a production build, use:
yarn build
then to run the production server, use:
serve -s build
now if you have both backend and frontend servers running, you can open your browser and go to localhost:3000 and see the application