This is a "Blogging Platform" which gives all general features a blog should have.
The backend is completely build on Django using Django Rest Framework, while the frontend is completed using ReactJS.
- Login/Registration
- Minimal Design
- Create/Edit/Delete Your Posts
- User Profile
- Comment Enable
- Admin Panel
- Create/View/Edit/Delete A User
- Create/View/Edit/Delete A Post By Any User
- View/Edit/Delete All Comments In The Blog
- View/Edit/Delete All Comments To A Specific Post
- Publish/Unpublish A Post
- Clone this repository:
git clone
. - Change the current directory to
folder:cd ./Django-React-Blog/backend/
. - Create a virutal environment and install all backend dependencies with pipenv:
pipenv install
. - Start the virtual environment:
pipenv shell
. - Change the working directory to
which contains
file:cd ./blog_backend
. - Run
python makemigrations
. - Run
python migrate
. - Create a superuser:
python createsuperuser
- Run the server:
python runserver
- Navigate the current working directory to
:cd ./Django-React-Blog/frontend/blog_frontend/
. - Install the all frontend dependencies using npm:
npm install
. - Run the server:
npm start
- Make sure that both Backend and Frontend Servers are running.
- Open your browser and navigate to localhost:3000.
- Go To http://localhost:3000/login/.
- Login with the superuser credentials created while setting up the Backend (Step: 8)
- Navigate To Dashboard -> Create New Post (http://localhost:3000/dashboard/create-new-post).
- Fill the form to create a new post and then Submit it.
- The submitted post will not appear on the homescreen unless and until the admin approves it.
- To approve the post, go to Dashboard -> Admin Panel -> View All Posts and then click on Edit Button.
- Check the checkbox labelled Published and then submit.
- After the post gets published, it will be displayed on the homepage of the blog (localhost:3000).
- Note: Once the post gets published, the user can only edit the post from the Dashboard, however, the admin still can edit/delete the post from the Admin Panel
API Documentation is generated using the default tool provided by Django Rest Framework.
- Make sure that the Backend Server is running.
- Navigate to the localhost:8000/docs/