I'm a Lead Python Developer (DataOps & MLOps) who enjoys making high-quality applications and tools.
I'm also into Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, and want to learn more about how the Universe works.
- MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen - NextGen DataLineage service
- MobileTeleSystems/syncmaster - Low-code ETL tool, based on onETL. WIP
- MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen-ui - Frontend for DataRentgen
- MobileTeleSystems/onetl - One ETL tool to rule them all
- MobileTeleSystems/syncmaster-ui - Frontend for Syncmaster, low-code ETL tool. WIP
- [DOP-24570] Add tests for lineage excluding symlinks with no IO on MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen
- [DOP-24601] Add support for selecting RunNode/OperationNode by click on MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen-ui
- [DOP-24603] Disable animation for to many IOEdges on MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen-ui
- [DOP-24570] Drop sorted() from LineageService on MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen
- [DOP-24570] Exclude dataset symlinks with no inputs/outputs on MobileTeleSystems/data-rentgen
dolfinus/setuptools-git-versioning - Use git repo data (latest tag, current commit hash, etc) for building a version number according PEP-440
dolfinus/Chartie - Mediawiki simple line chart extension
dolfinus/3DAlloy - LightWeight 3D-viewer for MediaWiki
dolfinus/AutoSitemap - MediaWiki extension for automatic sitemap generation
- dagrejs/dagre - Directed graph layout for JavaScript
- benfred/py-spy - Sampling profiler for Python programs
- Lancetnik/Propan - Propan is a powerful and easy-to-use Python framework for building event-driven applications that interact with any MQ Broker
- hamdanal/rich-argparse - A rich help formatter for argparse
- ArroyoSystems/arroyo - Distributed stream processing engine in Rust
Inspired by
- @maximousblk Github profile
- Awesome Developer Profile repo
- Awesome GitHub Profile README repo
- Creating a profile README file on GitHub article
- @chethanuk Github profile