Streams of framed msgpack messages.
this module is not recommended parsing msgpack
in js is much slower
than spliting json into lines and parsing with JSON.parse
, which is heavily
optimised in all good js implementations.
instead use: es.parse and es.stringify
If you really want to use msgpack
you should fix this issue: pgreiss/node-msgpack#16
var mps = require('msgpack-stream')
var encode = mps.createEncodeStream()
var decode = mps.createDecodeStream()
decode.on('data', console.log)
encode.write({object: true})
encode.write(AnyValidJsObject) //!
this is mostly pulled out of smith and slightly refactored to fit a stream.
Actually, msgpack does not support much loved js objects such as Infinity
, or Nan
On the other hand, msgpack-stream
uses creationix/msgpack-js which implements a slightly extended protocol, so you can pack Buffer
and undefined