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Adding a new lexicon

César Del Solar edited this page Jan 25, 2020 · 13 revisions

Note: This is very out of date

These are the steps I used to add the CSW12 lexicon:

wget (thanks Michael!)
python ../words/CSW12.txt -o CSW12.trie -r CSW12_r.trie   (in my dbCreator directory)
mv CSW12.trie ../words/
mv CSW12_r.trie ../words/

added code in this commit:

./dbCreator OWL2 CSW07 CSW12   (in my dbCreator-build-desktop directory)

mysql -u root -p mypass
for each of base_lexicon, base_word, base_alphagram:
    delete from base_tablename_
    load data infile '/Users/cesar/coding/webolith/dbCreator-build-desktop/{alphs,words,lex}.txt' into table base_tablename_ fields terminated by ',';

then: python dumpdata wordwalls.namedlist > wordwalls/fixtures/namedLists.json

then copy the namedLists.json and the alphs, words, lex .txt file to the remote server and load em in!

on aws server, it seems i have to do:

load data local infile '/home/ubuntu/words.txt' into table base_word fields terminated by ',';  (not just load data infile)

finally, loadWordsIntoRedis