BitcoinChart for Google Glass is a straight-forward app to get the current price of Bitcoin in USD from the Coinbase API.
Say chart bitcoin and it will show the latest price of Bitcoin, in the USD currency, from the Coinbase API
Bitcoin Chart is an application that runs a background task process to retrieve the price of bitcoin from the Coinbase API. It then display that price, the currency (currently set to USD), and the timestamp in a Card.
To build and install BitcoinChart, you will need the Android SDK tools and the Glass Development Kit. Follow the steps here to install the SDK Platform and GDK Sneak Peak
If you are getting an unknown error on* check that the Project->Properties are set to use the "Glass Development Kit".
Connect your Glass via USB. Make sure your Glass shows up in the DDMS. Open Eclipse/ADT and build the project to your Glass.
BitcoinChart uses GDK voice triggers. Supported commands are:
chart bitcoin
I want to also thank the community for their support and help:
- Glass Community
- StackOverflow