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Don Cato edited this page Jan 1, 2022 · 1 revision


In order to obtain an account (which contains an Access-Token) a new user must be registered and verified (via email). This is done via the /api/register and /api/verify endpoints.


Registration is done by doing a POST request to /api/register with a email address provided in the header, like this:

POST /api/register HTTP/1.1


On success a verification code is sent to the provided email which expires after 10 minutes and 200 is returned. If something goes wrong either 400 (Failed to get the email), 409 (Email already registered) or 500 (internal server error) is returned

If this succeeds the server awaits the verification within the next 10 minutes


Verification is done by doing a GET request to /api/verify with the email and the verification code in the URI, like this:

GET /api/verify/

On success the user object is generated and it's infos are returned in the body of a status 200 response. Else either 401 (Wrong Email / Code) or 500 (internal server error) is returned

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